Earth 2160
Category: PC/Cheats E
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Press [Enter] during game play to display the console window. Type cheats_2160 then press [Enter] again to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. A "1" will appears next to the code to confirm correct code entry. Press [Up] at the console window to repeat a previously entered code.

Code - Effect

addexperiencepoints [number] - Add Experience to Selected Units
addmoney [number] - Add Resources
quit - Quit Game
gamerate [1-100] - Set Game Speed
heal - Heal Selected Units
kill - Kill Selected Units
researchall - All Research Completed
resetfog - Reveal Map
setexperiencelevel [1-8] - Set Level for Selected Units
setexperiencepoints [number] vSet Experience for Selected Units
time [1-200] - Set Time of Day (Less than 66 is Night)

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