X2: Wolverine's Revenge
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats X
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Get All Costumes

Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, L1 + L2.

Pick level

Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, L1 + R1.

Unlock Cerebro Files

Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, R1 + R2.

Unlock Debug menu

Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1+ R1 + L2 + R2. The debug menu will be available after you pause the game

Get All Strikes

Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, L1, R2

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