Wipeout Fusion
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats W
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Contributor: admin

Unlimited Shields

At the Cheats menu enter Triangle Triangle Square Square Square.

Unlock Animal Ships

At the Cheats menu enter Triangle Circle Circle Triangle X.

Unlock Retro Ships

At the Cheats menu enter X Circle Triangle Square X.

Unlock All Features

At the Cheats menu enter X Triangle Circle Triangle Circle.

Unlimited Ammo

At the Cheats menu enter Triangle Circle X Circle Square.

Fast Ship

At the Cheats menu enter Square X X X Triangle.
Submitted by Eagle & Shard

Unlimited Weapons

At the Cheats menu enter Triangle Circle X Circle Square.
Submitted by Eagle & Shard

Mini Ships

At the Cheats menu enter Circle Square Square X Circle.
Submitted by Eagle & Shard

Infinite Cannon

At the Cheats menu enter Circle X Triangle Circle Triangle.
Submitted by Eagle & Shard

How to get the lead pilot easier

First you upgrade your vehicle to the max, then take of all the "upgrade points" on your vehicle and press X.Then a text will come up that is saying "will you downgrade your vehicle" or something like that. Take "yes".Then choose another team and upgrade the second pilot to get the lead pilot. Then repeat it until you have all the lead pilots.

Get Around Corners Better

Collect an auto pilot power up and use it at the last minute while going through the turn.

Total Elimination

Enter the Infinite Weapons,Invincibility and Super-fast Ships cheats. Enter the AG League and go to Custom league. Fill all seven positions with a track and begin. Move to first place in any of the races, then lap (re-pass) EVERYONE on the track. Soon (towards the end of the race), all contenders will be eliminated one at a time for no appearant reason until you are the only one left on the track.

Sample Game Music

When racing (arcade, ag league, time trial, etc.), if you press Select, a menu will appear on the screen where you can sample from 19 different techno tracks. Press Select again to return to the game.

Fire Missiles Backwards

When you're racing, and your current weapon is a Missile, use your rear-view. The Missile will lock-on to any enemy craft behind you (within range), then you can actually fire the Missile at the craft behind you.

Better Cornering

Collect and save an Auto-Pilot power-up. When you reach a tricky corner, get around it as much as possible, then activate the Auto-Pilot power-up at the last moment.

Get Teams

Auricom Team: Finish Franco Gonzalez Challenge with a Gold Medal.
EG-r Team: Finish Alex Reece Challenge with a Gold Medal.
Tigron Team: Finish Sveta Kirovski Challenge with a Gold Medal.
Xios Team: Finish Zala Woolf Challenge with a Gold Medal.
Pirahna Team: Finish Jann Shlaudecker Challenge with a Gold Medal.

Zone challenge

Successfully complete 30% of the game to unlock the zone challenge.

Time trial mode

Successfully complete 60% of the game to unlock time trial mode.

Game Shark Codes

Master Code (Must Be On)0E3C7DF2 1853E59E
EE861492 BCCA2B1A
All Weapons AvailableDEA4B576 C3989A82
Always Have WeaponsFE9A74EA BCA99B84
Infinite ShieldFE9A74F6 BCA99B84
Turbo ModeFE9A74F2 BCA99B84
Retro PlanesFE9A74E6 BCA99B84
Infinite Proton CannonFE9A6BFE BCA99B84
Game Time is Always 00:00CEA4A630 BCA99B83
Unlock All LeaguesDEA4B572 BCA98A82
Unlock All Teams/VehiclesDEA4A63E BCA99A82
Unlock Zone/Time Trial ModeDEA4A6CE BCA99B86
Unlock All ChallengesDEA4A6C6 BBA89A82
All Golds All ChallengesDEA4A60E BBA89A82

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