WWE Smackdown: Just Bring it |
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Moveset List & Unlockable Items!The Following Is a list of the movesets, and what wrestler that is, also, there is the complete list of unlockable items.Move set 1 = Genichiro Tenryu Move set 2 = Kendo Ka-Shin Move set 3 = Keiji Mutoh Move set 4 = Toshiaki Kawada Move set 5 = Bill Goldberg Move set 6 = Misc. Kung Fu Move set 7 = Jeff Jarrett Move set 8 = Ric Flair Move set 9 = Scott Hall Move set 10 = Scott Steiner Move set 11 = Sting Move set 12 = Terry Funk Move set 13 = Atsushi Onita Move set 14 = Misc. Puroresu set A Move set 15 = Misc. Puroresu set B Move set 16 = Taka Michinoku Move set 17 = Ken Shamrock Move set 18 = Rey Mysterio Jr. Move set 19 = Great Sasuke Move set 20 = Fred Durst move set from SD JBI Move set 21 = Hiroyoshi Tenzan Move set 22 = Jushin Lyger Move set 23 = Kensuke Sasaki Move set 24 = Masahiro Chono Move set 25 = Manabu Nakanishi Move set 26 = Yuji Nagata Move set 27 = Jun Akyama Move set 28 = Kenta Kobashi Move set 29 = Mitshuru Misawa Move set 30 = Vader Move set 31 = Essa Rios Move set 32 = Gangrel Move set 33 = Brian Christopher Move set 34 = Jerry Lynn Move set 35 = Ron the truth Killings Move set 36 = Road Dogg Move set 37 = Antonio Inoki Move set 38 = Akira Taue Move set 39 = Giant Baba Move set 40 = Big Boss Man Move set 41 = Crash Holly Move set 42 = D'lo Brown Move set 43 = Sho Funaki Move set 44 = Godfather Move set 45 = Justin Credible Move set 46 = Mike Awesome Move set 47 = Perry Saturn Move set 48 = Steve Blackman Move set 49 = Shane Mcmahon Move set 50 = Sean O' Haire Move set 51 = Steven Richards Move set 52 = Andre the Giant Move set 53 = Bob Backlund Move set 54 = Dean Malenko Move set 55 = Mick Foley Move set 56 = Naoya Ogawa Move set 58 = Sergeant Slaughter and now for the unlockables... 1. Winning the Undisputed Championship gives you the choice to unlock- Special RVD movie SmackDown SYM Special movie. 2. Winning a match at the Backlash PPV gives you the choice to unlock- The Rock's attire Christian's attire Create Parts 1 Backlash arena Foam Hands A 3. Winning a match at the Judgment Day PPV gives you the choice tounlock- RVD's attire Vince McMahon's attire Eddie Guerrero's attire Undertaker's attire Create Parts 2 Judgment Day arena 4. Winning a match at King of the Ring PPV gives you the choice tounlock - Kurt Angle's attire Edge's attire Moves 2 Create Parts 8 King of the Ring arena Plaza B backstage area
5. Winning a match at Vengeance PPV gives you the choice to unlock-Lance Storm's attire Raven's attire Billy Kidman's attire Create Parts 3 Vengeance arena A Vengeance arena B
6. Winning a match at the SummerSlam PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Booker T's attire Torrie Wilson's attire Moves 4 Moves 6 Create Parts 9 SummerSlam arena
7. Winning a match at the Unforgiven PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Chris Benoit's attire Trish Stratus's attire Moves 3 Create Parts 5 Unforgiven arena Foam Hands B
8. Winning a match at the No Mercy PPV gives you the choice to unlock-
Shawn Michaels' attire Stephanie McMahon's attire Rikishi's attire D-Von's attire Molly Holly's attire No Mercy arena
9. Winning a match at the Survivor Series PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Matt Hardy's attire Hardcore Holly's attire Moves 7 Moves 8 30 Ability Points Survivor Series arena
10. Winning a match at the Armageddon PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Ric Flair's attire Chuck's attire Billy's attire Armageddon arena Winter Plaza area Winter Times Square area
11. Winning a match at the Royal Rumble PPV gives you the choice tounlock - Triple H's attire Steve Austin's attire Bubba Ray's attire Create Parts 6 Royal Rumble arena WWE Superstar Special Movie
12. Winning a match at the No Way Out PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Kevin Nash (for Season Mode) X-Pac (for Season Mode) Big Show's attire The Big Valbowski's attire Moves 5 No Way Out arena
13. Winning a match at the WrestleMania PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Hulk Hogan (for Season Mode) Faarooq's attire Bradshaw's attire Moves 1 Create Parts 7 or WrestleMania X8 arena.
14. Winning a match at the Insurrextion PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Jeff Hardy's attire William Regal's attire Moves 9 Create Parts 4 Insurrextion arena
15. Winning a match at the Rebellion PPV gives you the choice tounlock- Chris Jericho's attire Stacy Keibler's attire Brock Lesnar's attire Moves 10 Rebellion arena
There is also a non-season mode unlockable item: Divas Unlockable Movie - You must obtain 100 Knockouts in the Slobber Knocker match within Exhibition mode to unlock the Divas movie.