WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats W
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Contributor: admin
DIVAS movie
Play slobber knocker match and obtain 100 knockouts in exhibition mode to unlock a special DIVAS movie.

Unlock stuff:
Winning a match at Armageddon can let you pick:
Ric Flair's attire
Chuck's attire
Billy's attire
Armageddon arena
Winter Plaza area
Winter Times Square area

Winning a match at Backlash can let you pick:
The Rock's attire
Christian's attire
Create Parts 1
Backlash arena
Foam Hands A

Winning a match at Insurrextion can let you pick:
Jeff Hardy's attire
William Regal's attire
Moves 9
Create Parts 4
Insurrextion arena

Winning a match at Judgment Day can let you pick:
RVD's attire
Vince McMahon's attire
Eddie Guerrero's attire
Undertaker's attire
Create Parts 2
Judgment Day arena

Winning a match at King Of The Ring can let you pick:
Kurt Angle's attire
Edge's attire
Moves 2
Create Parts 8
King of the Ring arena
Plaza B backstage area

Winning a match at No Mercy can let you pick:
Shawn Michaels' attire
Stephanie McMahon's attire
Rikishi's attire
D-Von's attire
Molly Holly's attire
No Mercy arena

Winning a match at No Way Out can let you pick:
Kevin Nash (Season Mode)
X-Pac (Season Mode)
Big Show's attire
The Big Valbowski's attire
Moves 5
No Way Out arena

Winning a match at Rebellion can let you pick:
Chris Jericho's attire
Stacy Keibler's attire
Brock Lesnar's attire
Moves 10
Rebellion arena

Winning a match at Royal Rumble can let you pick:
Triple H's attire
Steve Austin's attire
Bubba Ray's attire
Create Parts 6
Royal Rumble arena
WWE Superstar Special Movie

Winning a match at SummerSlam can let you pick:
Booker T's attire
Torrie Wilson's attire
Moves 4
Moves 6
Create Parts 9
SummerSlam arena

Winning a match at the Survivor Series can let you pick:
Matt Hardy's attire
Hardcore Holly's attire
Moves 7
Moves 8
30 Ability Points
Survivor Series arena

Winning the Undisputed Championship can let you pick:
Special RVD FMV sequence
SmackDown SYM Special FMV sequence

Winning a match at the Unforgiven can let you pick:
Chris Benoit's attire
Trish Stratus's attire
Moves 3
Create Parts 5
Unforgiven arena
Foam Hands B

Winning a match at Vengeance can let you pick:
Lance Storm's attire
Raven's attire
Billy Kidman's attire
Create Parts 3
Vengeance arena A
Vengeance arena B

Winning a match at WrestleMania can let you pick:
Hulk Hogan (Season Mode)
Faarooq's attire
Bradshaw's attire
Moves 1
Create Parts 7
WrestleMania X8 arena. .

Unlock diva video:
To unlock the diva video all you need to do is get 100 knockouts in slobber knocker mode. 

Throw a snowball at an opponent:
To throw a snowball at an opponent you need to go outside of the arena.you will see that it is always snowing outside.go over to a pile of snow and press r1,like you were picking up a weapon.

Block opponent's grapple:
Press square in any directional.

Frogsplash from the Smackdown Fist to break a table:
1)Take your opponient and a table under the smackdown fist.
2)Put him on the table.
3)Climb up to the the fist by pressing Triangle.
4)Press L1 to frogsplash on the table.
You will have the table broken and your opponient injured very badly.

To win very easily, go outside the ring and get a table. Don't hit your opponent! Then place the table in a corner. Run into it a couple of times until your opponent grabs you. He will throw you into the table, and you will win by disqualification! Only works when dq is on!

Get weapon:
To get a weapon from under the ring go to the middle of the ring on the side push L1.

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