Vampire Night
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats V
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Get free Play Mode

Finish all training missions (3 tasks with each) to get free play in arcade mode.

Go on the rooftops(chapter 2)

On chapter 2 shoot the vampire that grabs the girl. Then when you are on the stairs shoot the vampires that chase the girl before the hunters jump off. keep going and you will go on the rooftops

Get shot gun shells

Go on speacial mode and get 1500g (silver in boxies,plant pots eg) then go on shop choose wepons and pick the shotgun shells and then buy then go back and pick equip and equip shot gun shells then whenever you go on speacial mode you can use a shot gun(shot gun shoots slower but shoots off about 5 bullets and only uses 1 shell)

Unlimited credits

Complete all training missions to unlock unlimited credits witch is very help full for caneing the game.

Game Shark Codes

Master Code (Must Be On)EC8383AC 144828E4
Infinite Credits4CE0AEFC 1456E79D
Infinite Health P14CE0B358 1456E79E
Infinite Ammo P14CE0B394 1456E79D
Infinite Health P24CE0B4A0 1456E79E
Infinite Ammo P24CE0B4DC 1456E79D
Extra Silver4CE0D13C 1456B00C


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