Terminator: Dawn Of Fate
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats T
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

How to unlock HK recon Threat Data

Get 4 medals

How to unlock T400 Threat Data

Complete all training missions under the time limit then press L at the mission finish screen

How to unlock T800 Threat data

Get 4 medals on level 3 (Quite difficult)

Get Skynet tech Points

Aim for the head and neck of terminator's and enemy's heads. When head's pop off you get skynet points

Control Intro

Zoom the image by pressing the L1 & R1 keys

Get "Game Intro" and "Bonus Material" Options

Finish level one using the medium difficulty setting

Making robots shoot upwards

When fighting robots, silver or brown with turrets try to shoot their head. Shoot their until it falls off. Then it will start shooting upwards and after a while explode. Please, do it properly or you are just going to waste your time!

How to destroy Robot at end of level 6

Pick up c4 packs laying around then attach them to the steel blocks that come out of the roller machines then blow them up when the robot picks them up

Turret Zoom

When you hop onto a turret, press the L3 button and you can zoom in onto the target. This will result in better aim and the ability to see what you are shooting at.

Game Shark Codes

Master Code (Must Be On)DEADFACE 52504D2E
F03DCC10 003D1FA7
Unlock All Cheats206AAB8000000000
206AAB84 00000000
206AAB88 00000000
206AAB8C 00000000
206AAB90 00000000
206AAB94 00000000
Unlock All Characters206AABA000000001
206AABA4 00000001
206AABA8 00000001
206AABAC 00000001
206AABB0 00000001
Unlock All Threat Data206AABD000000000
206AABD4 00000000
206AABD8 00000000
206AABDC 00000000
206AABE0 00000000
206AABE4 00000000
206AABE8 00000000
206AABEC 00000000
206AABF0 00000000
206AABF4 00000000
206AABF8 00000000
206AABFC 00000000
Unlock All Easy Levels206AAC0400000000
206AAC08 00000000
206AAC0C 00000000
206AAC10 00000000
206AAC14 00000000
206AAC18 00000000
206AAC1C 00000000
206AAC20 00000000
206AAC24 00000000
Unlock All Medium Levels206AAC2C00000000
206AAC30 00000000
206AAC34 00000000
206AAC38 00000000
206AAC3C 00000000
206AAC40 00000000
206AAC44 00000000
206AAC48 00000000
206AAC4C 00000000
Unlock All Terminal Levels206AAC5000000000
206AAC54 00000000
206AAC58 00000000
206AAC5C 00000000
206AAC60 00000000
206AAC64 00000000
206AAC68 00000000
206AAC6C 00000000
206AAC70 00000000
206AAC74 00000000
Unlock All DVD Extras206AAC7800000000
206AAC7C 00000000
206AAC80 00000000
206AAC84 00000000
206AAC88 00000000
206AAC8C 00000000
206AAC90 00000000
206AAC94 00000000
Unlock Concept Art206AAC98 00000000
Unlock Music Gallery206AAC9C 00000000


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