Terminator 3
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats T
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Unlimited ammunition

In the code entry prompt, push X, Triangle(3), X, Circle, X, Square.


In the code entry prompt, push Square(2), X, Triangle, X, Circle, X, Circle.

All future weapons

In the code entry prompt, push X(3), Triangle, Circle(2), Square, X.

All past weapons

In the code entry prompt, push Circle(2), Triangle, Square, X, Triangle(2), Square.

Quadruple damage

In the code entry prompt, push Triangle(4), Square, X, Circle, Square.

Mission complete

In the code entry prompt, push Square(2), Triangle, Circle(2), X, Square, Triangle.

Level select

In the code entry prompt, push Square(3), Circle(3), Triangle(2). Note: In the PAL version of the game, In the code entry prompt, push Circle(3), Square(3), Triangle(2)

Fight TX Endoskeleton in all battles

In the code entry prompt, push Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle(4).

50% more health in combat with T800

In the code entry prompt, push Triangle(2), Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle.

50% more health in combat with TX

In the code entry prompt, push Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, X.

50% less health in combat with TX

In the code entry prompt, push X, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle.

Centipede mini-game

In the code entry prompt, push Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Square.

Or Finish the game to unlock Centipede at the "Atari Games" menu. Note: If it is not unlocked as soon as you complete the game, restart your PlayStation2, reload your game, and recheck the "Atari Games" menu.

Missile Command mini-game

In the code entry prompt, push Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, X, X.

Alternately, in the vet's office on level 13, walk into the small office on the far right side. Approach the computer and push X to play Missile Command. Then finish the level to unlock the game at the "Atari Games" menu.

All FMV sequences

In the code entry prompt, push Triangle, Circle, Square, X, X, X, Triangle, Circle.

All still pictures

In the code entry prompt, push X, Square, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.

View development team

In the code entry prompt, push Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, X.

Above cheats submitted by mir

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