Tekken 5
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats T
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Contributor: admin
Unlock Anna Williams:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode two times with different characters.

Unlock Asuka (School Girl version):
After playing as Asuka at least fifty times, highlight her at the character selection screen, then press Triangle.

Unlock Baek Doo San:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode three times with different characters.

Unlock Bruce Irvin:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode four times with different characters.

Unlock Devil Jin:
You can unlock Devil Jin by either completing the "Devil Within" side game or playing a number of games in arcade mode, vs. mode or story mode. About 200 games in arcade mode seems to unlock him after you have unlocked all the other characters.

Alternately, complete story mode with fifteen or twenty characters.

Unlock Eddy Gordo:
Eddy is an extra outfit you buy for Christie for 500,000G.

Unlock Ganryu:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode seven times with different characters.

Unlock Heihachi:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode nine times with different characters.

Unlock Kuma:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode six times with different characters.

Unlock Ling (School Girl version):
Win fifty times in versus mode. Highlight Ling, then press RP at the character selection screen.

Unlock Mokujin:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode eight times with different characters.

Unlock Roger Jr.:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode one time.

Unlock Wang Jinrei:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode five times with different characters.

Unlock Star Blade arcade game:
Successfully complete arcade mode with all fighters.

Configure arcade games:
Hold Select at the "Press Start" screen for an Arcade History game. An accurate representation of the game's DIP switches will appear, allowing you to customize the game as done on the actual arcade machine.

Random character selection:
Complete story, battle, or time attack mode nine times with different characters to unlock the "Random" option at the character selection screen.

In team battle mode, select the number of characters to be used, then press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select at the character selection screen. A "?" will appear instead of the character portraits.

Final Stage 2:
Play 200 arcade mode matches. Alternately, successfully complete Devil Within mode.

Theater Mode:
Theater Mode is unlocked up after you complete story mode once with any character. At that time, you are able to listen to the stage soundtracks, view the movies of the character used to complete story mode, and the attract movies (Arcade Intro, PlayStation2 Intro, and E3/TGS trailers). As you complete story mode with each character, the movies will become available in Theater Mode. Getting all movies requires you the complete story mode with both Kuma and Panda, as well as Christie and Eddy (although Eddy's ending is identical).

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