Tak: The Great Juju Challenge
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats T
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Lok is floating:
In the first level, after the tutorial, go to the first part where there is a rhino, then switch to Lok. Get on the rhino. When the rhino clears a path through the thorny plants, run the rhino into the vines. Lok might climb nothing, so it appears as if Lok is floating.

Unlock Tak Tune 1:
To unlock Tak tune 1 have 3 Fruits, 18 Crystals, and 6 Bugs.

Unlock Vehicle Art:
To unlock vehicle art have 44 Fruits, 55 Crystals, and 11 Bugs.

Unlock World Art:
To unlock World Art have 34 Fruits, 49 Crystals, and 83 Bugs

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