Serious Sam: Next Encounter
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats S
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Contributor: admin

Lost levels menu

At the level select screen press the X button.

Ancient Rome Addressing the Senate: 9 Golds
Ancient Rome Caesar's Sanctum: 12 Golds
Ancient Rome Praetorian Camp: 3 Golds
Ancient Rome The Forum of Trajan: 7 Golds
Ancient Rome The Forum Romanum: 5 Golds
Feudal China The Gate of Supreme Harmony: 18 Golds
Feudal China The Silk Road: 15 Golds
Legendary Atlantis The Corridors of Power: 26 Golds
Legendary Atlantis The Geothermal Tunnels: 24 Golds
Legendary Atlantis The Steam Tower: 22 Golds
The Gallery: 31 Golds

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