SSX Tricky
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats S
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Play as Rectorator

In World Circuit Mode enter the name 'RECOR'. Then select any character.

Full stat points

Go to the title screen, hold L1+R1 and press triangle(2), right, triangle(2), down, X(2), left, X(2), Up. Release L1+R1 and if you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. All the boarders will have full stat points.

Unlock Everything

At the title screen, hold L1 and R1 and press X,triangle, right, circle, square, down, triangle, square, left, circle, X, up. You should hear a sound if you did it right.
NOTE:There is no cheat menu, but all characters,boards,outfits,levels and whatever else I missed should be unlocked.

Get Sticky Board

Go to the title screen and HOLD L1 + R1 then press Square, Square, Right, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Circle, Circle, Left, X, X, Up

Get Mallora Board

Go to the title screen and HOLD L1 + R1 then press X, X, Right, Circle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Triangle, Left, Square, Square, Up. Now pick Elise to see the board.

Get Annete Board

Go to the title screen and HOLD L1 + R1 then press Square, X, Right, Square, X, Down, Square, X, Left, Square, X, Up. Now pick Kaori to see the board

Get Mix Master Mike

Go to the title screen and HOLD L1 + R1 then press X, X, Right, X, X, Down, X, X, Left, X, X, Up. Release L1 + R1. Now any character you pick will turn into Mix Master on the course

Unlock Brodi

To unlock Brodi win 1 Gold medal in World Circuit mode.

Infinite Adrenaline Meter

To get a infinite adrenaline meter, you must land 6 uber tricks. This is very useful in races.

Get Untracked Course

Get all medals on all race courses

Get Pipedream Course

Get a medal on all Showoff courses

Get Different Outfits

Finish all chapters in the trick book. Finish world circuit with a master rank

Get Uberboards

Finish all tricks for a character

Character List

The original chars are:
1. Eddie
2. Elise
3. Moby
4. Mac

Unlockables are:
1. JP
2. Psymon
3. Brodi
4. Luther
5. Seeiah
6. Zoe
7. Luther
8. Kaori
9. Marisol
10. Marty

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