ANNO 1602 |
PC/Cheats A
0.00 out of 5.00
All MissionsOpen up game.dat with your favorite text editor then change the following string:
Volume: 750 0 5??
Volume: 750 0 580 Cheat Mode German VersionDuring gameplay hold Alt Strg Shift W and type 2061 and Return. Now press . Hold Alt Strg Shift W and type any of the following:
02 Eisenerz 03 Gold 04 Wolle 05 Zuckerrohr 06 Tabak 07 Schlachtvieh 08 Korn 09 Mehl 10 Eisenwaren 11 Schwerter 12 Musketen 13 Kanonen 14 Nahrung 15 Tabakwaren 16 Gewrze 17 Kakao 18 Alkohol 19 Stoffe 20 Kleidung 21 Schmuck 22 Werkzeug 23 Holz 24 Ziegelsteine
As long as you hold you can fill your resources. Press Shift K to get cannons.