SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats S
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Admiral difficulty:
Complete single player on Captain.

Captain difficulty:
Complete single player on Commander.

Front grip:
Complete the game on Captain difficulty to unlock the front grip online.

Medium scope:
Complete game on Captain.

Scarecrow character skin:
If you achieve 24 hours played online in Socom III, the character skin "Scarecrow" is then unlocked and can be used.

Unlock GROM Weapons:
Complete game on Captain.

Unlock IW-80 A2:
Complete game on Admiral difficulty.

Unlock SBS Weapons:
Complete game on Commander.

Unlock SEAL Weapons:
Complete game on Ensign.

Unlock STG-77:
Complete game on Admiral difficulty.

Unlock Terrorist Weapons:
Complete game on Lieutenant.

Multiplayer Characters:
North Africa - Al-Kamli Sarwat (Terrorist) - Complete North Africa on any difficulty
North Africa - KILLJOY (Seal) - Training Missions Completed
North Africa - Seal Jungle Ghillie Suit - Complete N.A. on either Commander, Captain, or Admiral
North Africa - Terrorist Jungle Ghillie Suit - Complete N.A. on either Commander, Captain, or Admiral
Poland - COLDKILL (Seal) - Complete Poland on any difficulty
Poland - Dr. Basia Mironova (Terrorist) - Complete Poland on any difficulty
Poland - Seal Winter Ghillie Suit - Complete Poland on either Commander, Captain, or Admiral
Poland - Terrorist Winter Ghillie Suit - Complete Poland on either Commander, Captain, or Admiral
South Asia - CHOPPER (Seal) - Complete South Asia on any difficulty
South Asia - Hari Raman (Terrorist) - Complete S.A. on Captain or Admiral
South Asia - Seal Desert Ghillie Suit - Complete S.A. on either Commander, Captain, or Admiral
South Asia - Terrorist Desert Ghillie Suit - Complete S.A. on either Commander, Captain, or Admiral

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