Ratchet & Clank
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats R
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Get Max Health

Beat Drek and go to the goodies screen and do these moves in this order: Comet-Strike, Comet-Strike, Comet-Strike, Comet-Strike, Flip Back, Full Second Crouch, Flip Back, Full Second Crouch, Comet-Strike, Comet-Strike, Comet-Strike, Comet-Strike.

Big Head mode for Enemies

Beat Drek and go to the goodies screen and do these moves in this order: Flip Back, Hyper-Strike, Comet-Strike, Double Jump, Hyper-Strike, Flip Left, Flip Right, Full Second Crouch.

Big Head mode for Clank

Beat Drek and go to the goodies screen and do these moves in this order: Flip Back, Hyper-Strike, Comet-Strike, Double Jump, Hyper-Strike, Flip Left, Flip Right, Full Second Crouch.

Big Head mode for Ratchet

Beat Drek and go to the goodies screen and do these moves in this order: Flip Back, Flip Back, Flip Back, Full Second Crouch, Stretch Jump, Full Second Glide

Big Head mode for Other Characters

Beat Drek and go to the goodies screen and do these moves in this order: Flip Left, Flip Right, Flip Back, Flip Back, Comet-Strike, Double Jump, Comet-Strike, Hyper-Strike.

Get Trippy Tails

Beat Drek and go to the goodies screen and do these moves in this order: Wall Jump (10), Double Jump, Hyper-Strike

Get mirrored levels

Beat Drek and go to the goodies screen and do these moves in this order: Flip Left, Flip Left, Flip Left, Flip Left, 3-Hit Wrench Combo, Hyper Strike, Double Flip Right, Flip Right, Flip Right, Double Jump, Full Second Crouch.

Cost of weapons

blaster 2500 bolts. mineglove 7500 bolts.
visibomb gun 15,000 bolts.RYNO 150,000 bolts.
decoy glove 7500 bolts. taunter 2500 bolts.
tesla claw 30,000 or 40,000 bolts.
morph-o ray [in a level].pyrocitor 1000 bolts.
devastator 10,000 bolts.drone device 7500 bolts. suck cannon [in a level].
bomb glove ,free.swingshot [in a level]1000
bolts. glove of doom 7500 bolts.

Two Skill points

Easy skill point:
On Planet Euroda (Logging Site) You will see a bunch of vehicles flying around. Pull out a long range weapon, (I suggest the blaster because of its ammo being cheapest) and fire at the vehicles. Use sniper mode for better accuracy. After a good number of vehicles, you will get a skill point.

Harder skill point:
On the Blarg station in the Nebula, you will enter a green room with a Gadgetron vendor. If you want the skill point, Ignore the vendor. Enter the room and the Mutant animal boss will drop from the ceiling. For the skill point, use your Omniwrench ONLY! Perform a hyper strike over and over on the creature. You can use a weapon on the boss's minions. (pyrocitor works best) If you don't hit the boss with the weapon when fighting the minions, you will still get your skill point if you keep using the hyper strike.

Big funny chickens

Use your gold bolts to get the gold morph-o-ray. Can we say "party time"? Pull out the gold morph-o-ray when there are a lot of enemies around you. The new morph-o-ray turns enemies into not little chickens, but giant chickens! The other enemies will attack the chickens and the giant chickens will explode! The explosion takes out all of the enemies around or attacking the chicken.

2 Skill Points

First Skill Point: Planet Kerwan
Get your Visibomb Gun out 'cuz it's the only way your reaching this point! Go to the top of the fitness course and fire the missile. Direct the missile up and look for a zepplin around the peaks of the tallest buildings(if you dont find one immediately, just cruse around at about the same height as I said.). When you find one, blow it to Pieces!!! You should get a skill point plus the load of bolts you get for the destruction.

Easy bolts

Go to planet Kerwan. When you get there hover below the platform (you need either the HILIPACK or the JETPACK) your ship is on and go in where the ships are flying. There you will find a gold bolt. To get easy bolts, hold L2, aim at the ships flying above you, rapidly tap square, and whaammy!! your in bolt city!!!!(there are infinite ships:) ).

Easy Gold Bolt

Go to the train station luggage dock on planet Kerwan. Just after you get through the archway turn to your right.you will see the boxes are shorter here. Use your Helipack to jump on top of these and then you will see a ton of enemies. Take them all out and then take a look around. You will see a path of boxes you can jump across. Once you do that, you will have the gold bolt!

Seeking the 2 Gold Bolts of Hoven

To get the 2 gold bolts of Hoven, it's very simple to do well one is. to get one go to the part where a ton of mutant pests come out {witch leads to a skill point}{ kill em' all to get it}then go to the machine that go's up&down wall jump to the top {hard to do} you have to start on the machine then wall jump then stop REALLY QUICKLY hit X again do the same thing over and over until you reach the top and...PRESTO!!! The next gold bolt is ULTRA EASY!!! All you have to do is fill that whole room with water {part where you use the Hydrodicplacer} then go to one of the rooms with the water giver thing-a-ma-jig then swim to the top and... PRESTO!!!...again!

Lots o' Bolts

Go to the train station loading dock on planet Kerwan. Where you would usually get on the train, turn to your left instead of your right. There you will see a small passageway. Go thru it and there will be a whole ton of boxes!

All weapon costs

Bomb glove-get it when game starts
Glove of doom-7,500
Mine glove-7,500
Suck cannon-find at end of logging site Eudora
Visibomb gun-15,000
Decoy glove-7,500
Drone device-7,500
Tesla claw-30,000or40,000

Gadget costs

Trespasser-find on planet Aridia
Hydrodisplacer-find on Blarg station
02 mask-get it at the resort
Sonic Summoner-show agent hover board prize
Pilot helmet-find at end of Blarg depot
Grind boots-2,000
Magneboots-Find on Orxon

Skill points

1.Logging site Eudora-get any long range weapon and shoot down the ships flying by.
2.Blarg Station Nebula G34-ignore the second vendor and move forward to the room with the big boss. do not use weapons on him.use hyper strike over and over to defeat him. you can use weapons on his minions.
3.Kogor Refinery Orxon-when out as ratchet chasing the infobot, when tou get to the electric door and suppose to use your swingshot, use your taunter to make the crabs run into the door
4.go get in the second turret you come to and shoot down the ships flying by.

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