Pro Race Driver
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats P
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

More Damage

Put in DAMAGE for a code

More Realistic Physics

Put in SIM for a code

Get Credits

Put in CREDITS for a code

Get Blow Off valve

Put in MARKSKAIFE for a code

The codes below work with CD's with the indicated bonus code CD number

Get All cars

Put in XKIMCF for a code - bonus code CD ?.
Put in SLDDLS for a code - bonus code CD 1010.
Put in PLSZGF for a code - bonus code CD 1521.
Put in MKWAVP for a code - bonus code CD 3956.
Put in WOYHHI for a code - bonus code CD 8105.

Can't Be Damaged

Put in FYWWYF for a code - bonus code CD 1010.

Get All Tracks

Put in TMYTKO for a code - bonus code CD ?.
Put in GLFFLG for a code - bonus code CD 1010.
Put in YHYXMF for a code - bonus code CD 1521.
Put in ZVIMEI for a code - bonus code CD 3956.

Better Handling

Put in YOOOOY for a code - bonus code CD 1010.
Put in RWMRKV for a code - bonus code CD 1521.

Get All Championships

Put in FMXXMF for a code - bonus code CD 1010.
Put in FZYFLG for a code - bonus code CD 1521.
Put in MZDHHA for a code - bonus code CD 3956.

Get All Pro Challenges

Put in FGZZGF for a code - bonus code CD 1010.
Put in RCVWCM for a code - bonus code CD 3956.

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