Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats P
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Original Prince of Persia Level 1 in 3D

Start a New Game and stay on the balcony. Press L3 then press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle.


KIEJSC Level 2
VNNNPC Level 3
IYVPTC Level 4
RWSWWC Level 5
GONWUC Level 6
DEFNUC Level 7
SVZMSC Level 8
DBJRPC Level 9
MZFYSC Level 10
BRAYQC Level 11
UUGTPC Level 12
LRARUC Battle with Jafar

Unlock the Original Prince of Persia

Complete the game and Prince of Persia 1 will be playable in the extra options menu.

Unlock Prince of Persia 2

When you receive a new sword around 33% through the game, continue on until you break a wall and the Prince says, ''It's said they built this palace on the ruins of another...'' Once you cross the next room, you will find a rotatable switch. Directly behind this switch is a breakable wall, although it doesn't appear to be. If you hit it three times, you will find another room and you will receive a message informing you that Prince of Persia is now unlocked.

Note: You can also rotate that switch until it points to the new room and it will open a gate that allows you to play Prince of Persia 2 right there without having to exit back to the Extra Features screen.

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