Onimusha 2 |
PlayStation2/Cheats O
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Get Easy ModeFirst die 3 times in a row to get Yasashi mode. now at the main menu pick Tokuten. Then pick easy difficulty.Get Hard Mode & man in Black Mode & Team Onimusha Mode Finish the game 1 timeGet One Hit Kill Mode Finish the game 1 time using Team Onimusha ModeKick ass mode Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the kick ass difficulty setting.Ending bonuses Successfully complete the game to unlock the Scenario Route option, Man In Black Suit mini-game, and Team Onimusha mode.Strongest equipment mode Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting. Then, start new game to begin with the Blazing Fire Sword, 20,000 in money, 30 Intense Medicines, 10 Wood, all level 3 armors, infinite ammunition, and skill always full.Mind twister mode Successfully complete the game with all eighteen artworks to unlock mind twister mode.Leather costume Successfully complete the game with the "Onimusha" rank to unlock a leather costume.Oyuu's alternate costume Get a 100% scenario completion to unlock an alternate costume for Oyuu.
Game Shark Codes Master Code (Must Be On) | 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE8A60D6 BCC0A096 | Infinite Money | D161153A BC413102 | Infinite Health | C1613D3E BCA9A783 | Max Health | C1613D3A BCA9A783 | Max & Infinite Health | D1613D3E C8A9A783 | Max & Infinite Ogre Power (Magic) | D161164A C8A9A783 D16110FE C8A9A783 | Max Souls | D161165E BCAA8B83 D161165A BCAA8B83 | Full Weapon Ohgi = Weapon Charge (R1 + Square) | D161108E BCA99B82 | Always 1st Save | D17A4E76 BCA99B83 | Low Game Time | D17A4FFA BCA9A053 |