One Piece: Grand Battle |
PlayStation2/Cheats O
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Hidden Characters: Unlock the characters in the following order. Certain characters can only be unlocked after reaching a certain requirement. It is recommended that you play with each character on the HARD difficulty setting so you do not need to backplay time after time.
Smoker: Win the game with Roronoa Zoro (Hard mode suggested. Can be unlocked on any difficulty setting).
Wiper: Win the game with Monkey.D.Luffy (Hard mode suggested. Can be unlocked on any difficulty setting).
Omu: Win the game with Tony Tony Chopper (Hard mode suggested. Can be unlocked on any difficulty setting).
Mr Crocodile: Win the game with Nico. Robin (Hard mode suggested. Can be unlock on any difficulty setting).
Enel: After unlocking all the other characters above win the game with Wiper and Monkey.D.Luffy on Hard difficulty setting. (Refer to unlocking Wiper).
Hina: Once you've gained Enel, win the game with Usopp on Hard difficulty setting.
Bon Clay: After gaining Hina, win the game with Sanji on Hard difficulty setting.
Portgas.D.Ace: After unlocking all characters above, beat Training mode with all of Luffy's crew and then win the game with Smoker on Hard difficulty setting.
Red Hair Shanks: Once you've gained every other character, win the game on Hard mode using all of Luffy's crew then win the game once more with Luffy on Hard mode.
Luffy's Crew: Luffy's crew consists of Monkey.D.Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Tony Tony Chopper, Usopp, Sanji, Nico and Robin.
Unlock The Marine HQ: Play the BOMB x51 catching game in Training mode.
Unlock The Windmill Village: You can unlock this stage by collecting all the cards. This stage can only be made available after you unlocked Enel.
Alternate Costumes: Several Characters (mostly Luffy's crew; wich consist of Luffy, Zorro, Sanji, Ussop, Chopper, Nami and Nico Robin) have 3rd and 4th Alternate costumes which are unlocked by doing several tasks.
Luffy's Crew 3rd alternate costume: In training mode, complete the training list with Luffy , Zorro, Sanji, Ussop, Chopper, Nami and Nico Robin.
Luffy's Crew 4th alternate costume: To do this, you must choose the VS option, go against computer in Hard with 3 rounds and try to finish all the rounds with the super level 2 special.
Wiper's 3rd Costume: After getting all the costume, complete Training mode with Wiper again.
Shanks 3rd and 4th Costume: After getting Luffy's pirate 3rd & 4th costume, complete Training mode with Shanks. |