NCAA Football 2006
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats N
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Cheat mode:
Press Select at the Pennant Collection screen, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.


Roll TideAll-Time Alabama
Raising CaneAll-Time Miami
Go BlueAll-Time Michigan
Hail StateAll-Time Mississippi State
Go Big RedAll-Time Nebraska
Fight OnAll-Time USC
War EagleAll-Time Auburn
EA SportsCuffed Mode
Thanks1st and 15 Mode
Fumble2003 All Americans
Sic EmBaylor Power Up
ForBlink Mode
RegisteringBoing Mode
TiburonCrossed the Line Mode
HikeJumbalaya Mode
Home FieldMolasses Mode
NCAAStiffed Mode
Elite 11QB Dud Mode
FootballTake Your Time Mode
2006Thread the Needle Mode
BlitzWhat a Hit Mode

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