NASCAR Thunder 2003 |
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Extra DriversGo to features select create a car and go in and select driver info put in first name: Extra and Last Name: Drivers and exit and go to a race and there will be more drivers in yellowDale Earnhardt Sr.Go to Create-a-car. Type first name as Dale. Then last name as Earnhardt. Your Done You don't have to save the car. You get the license plate.Get Thunder Plates Finish the challenges in Thunder Challenge or Lightning Challenge to get new plates Get Tiburon Speedway Track Use any memory card that has a saved game file from any EA Sports 2003 GameEasy Daytona 500 WINOn create a career mode when you go to the Daytona 500 on the thirdlap cause a caution don't pit. When your fuel is very low pit. After you come out spin your car to cause another caution. You can go all the way but they can't they have to pit on the last lap you pass every body but one will be behind youhold him off to winGetting Driver's Paintschemes and Special TracksPick a driver that has a special paint scheme and a track that has a special feature (i.e Daytona has the Shootout) and race at the veteran level and win the race you will open up thunder plates and get the paint scheme as well as the special track. Unlock the Sandstorm 500K at PhoenixTo unlock the Sandstorm 500K at Phoenix, do a race with any driver at the Checker Auto Parts 500.When you win the race, after the celebration ends, you should get the Phoenix Road Course-the Sandstorm 500K.All Kyle Petty Paint JobsFirst, win a race with Kyle Petty's 2002 Sprint PCS Car to get the 2001 Sprint PCS Car. Then,win a race with Kyle Petty's 2002 Charity Ride Car to get the 2001 Charity Ride Car. Congratulations! You have all of Kyle Petty's paint jobs.Richard pettylike dale earnhardt go to the create a car and type Richard then Petty in the other name slot then Exit GUESS WHAT U GOT RICHARD PETTY Submitted by ylylylylylylyylylylyly