Carmageddon 2 |
PC/Cheats C
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Various CheatsEnter any of the following "Codes" during gameplay: Code | Effect | wetwet | Credit Bonus | lemmingize | Disable Pedestrian AI | fastbast | Fast Pedestrains | smartbastard | Finish Race | wotatwatami | Slippery Tires | tingting | Free Repairs | cintonco | Hot Rod | mooningminnie | Lunar Gravity | bigdangle | Mutant Tail | mrmainwaring | Panicked Pedestrians | tilty | Pinball Mode | stiffspasms | Mutant Corpses | stopsnatch | Toggle Timer | watersport | Underwater Capability | stickytyres | Wall Climbing | goodhead | Pedestrians Have Stupid Heads | eveningoccifer | Drunk Driving | timmytitty | Time Bonus | zazaz | Pedestrian Annihilator | powpow | Repulse Opponents | clangclang | Trashed Bodywork | fryingtonight | Pedestrian Electric Ray | bigtwat | Solid Granite Car | bloodyhippy | Drugs | twatoff | Explosive Pedestrians | xrayspeks | Ethereal Pedestrians | fryfry | Pedestrian Flamethrower | oypowerupno | No PowerUps | dotaction | Pedestrians On Map | takemetakeme | Suicidal Pedestrians | didedodi | Lay Mines | iwishicouldflyrightuptothesky | Flight Mode | glugglug | Mega Bonus | stickits | Pedestrians Are Stuck | megabum | Giant Pedestrians | clintonco | Hot Rod | supacocks | Invincibility | mingming | Instant Repairs | blueballz | Frozen Opponents | bluepigs | Frozen Police | swiftyshifty | Turbo Opponents | pigsmightfly | Turbo Police | eyepopper | Instant Handbrake | jigajig | Bouncy Mode | mrwobbley | Jelly Suspension | stuffitup | Damage Magnifier | anglemolesters | Immortal Pedestrians | whizz | Turbo | supawhizz | Mega Turbo | pillpop | Five Recovery Vouchers | duffride | Rock Springs | rubberup | Gripomatic Tires | ledsleds | Jupiter Gravity | easypeasy | Slow Motion Pedestrians | tinytoss | Mini Pedestrians | furkinell | Turbo Bastard Nutter Nitros | hotass | Afterburner | liquidlunge | Oil Slicks | skippypoos | Kangaroo on Command | oohmessymess | Dismemberfest | getdown | Grooving Pedestrians | fartsuits | Helium Pedestrians | largeone | Angry Pedestrians | hippotart | Far Pedestrians | bloodyartists | Stick Insects | cowcow | Pedestrian Repulsificator | osostrong | Extra Armor | osofast | Extra Power | osonasty | Extra Offensive | osoversatile | Extra Everything | ohsostrongsostong | Double Extra Armor | ohsofastsofast | Double Extra Power | ohsonastysonasty | Double Extra Offensive | osoversatilesoversatile | Double Extra Everything | stringvest | Max Armor | vastnesses | Max Power | fistnesses | Max Offensive | skegnesses | Max Everything | thatsalotofarmour | Extra Armor Slot | thatsalotofpower | Extra Power Slot | thatsalotofoffal | Extra Offensive Slot | thatsalotofslots | Extra Slots All Around | strongbones | Bonus Armor Slots | fastbones | Bonus Power Slots | nastybones | Bonus Offensive Slots | loadsabones | Bonus Slots All Around | ineedapill | Pedestrian Valium | bonbon | Slaughter Mortar | gotoinfrared | Cloaking Device |
File EditingThere are files in the directory where you installed the game with the extension .twt. Open up any of these files with your favorite text editor and you can change the cost of cars gravity powerup stuff cost of repairing/recover and about anything else in the game. Just make sure you backup the file before doing any editing. The file size needs to remain the same so if you remove a character add a space and if you add a character remove a space. If you need any more info please contact Calvin Brodius below. Submitted by: Calvin Brodius