Manhunt |
PlayStation2/Cheats M
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Unlock BonusesEarn a 3-star rating on any level in order to unlock a bonus piece of artwork. As an added bonus, each piece of art has half of a code on it. Combine the left bonus' code with the right bonus' code to get the cheat. Cheats can be entered on the title menu. Fully EquippedPress R1, R2, L1, L2, Down, Up, Left, Up at the main menu. Helium HuntersPress R1, R1, Triangle, Circle, Square, L2, L1, Down at the main menu. InvisibilityPress Square, Square, Square, Down, Square, Down, Circle, Up at the main menu.Monkey SkinPress Square, Square, R2, Down, Triangle, Square, Circle, Down at the main menu. Piggsy SkinPress Up, Down, Left, Left, R1, R2, L1, L1 at the main menu. Rabbit SkinPress Left, R1, R1, Triangle, R1, R1, Square, L1 at the main menu. RegeneratePress R2, Right, Circle, R2, L2, Down, Circle, Left at the main menu. RunnerPress R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right at the main menu. SilencePress R1, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, Left, Left at the main menu. Super PunchPress L1, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1 at the main menu.