Madden NFL 2005 |
PlayStation2/Cheats M
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Get Cheerleader And Pump Up Crowd CardsSuccessfully complete the 'Game Situation' challenges in mini-camp mode. The Cheerleader or Pump Up Crowd Cards for the team used will be unlocked. Extra Push In TacklesWhen you are a defender about to give a head-on-collision to the runner, press the Right Analog-stick Down to give extra push in your tackles, increasing the chance of a fumble.Freeze BallDuring your pat try, aim your kick as high as you can with full power. You will see the ball freeze and continue to spin above the mesh behind the FG. Madden Cards & Game CheatsGet a gold rank in any event on the All Pro, Pro and Rookie levels in mini-camp mode. Unlock Special CardIn addition to the normal way to unlock a card, some cards require a specific task to be completed. Card 2: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Chase and Tackle drill. Card 30: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Coffin Corner drill. Card 38: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Ground Attack drill. Card 42: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Precision Passing drill. Card 52: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Swat Ball drill. Card 99: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Trench Fight drill. Card 104: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Clutch Kicking drill. Card 147: Earn a Gold in the All-Madden Pocket Presence drill. Card 195: Earn a Gold in the Ground Attack drill. Card 197: Earn a Gold in the Clutch Kicking drill. Card 199: Earn a Gold in the Swat Ball drill. Card 208: Earn a Gold in the Pocket Presence drill. Card 209: Earn a Gold in the Trench Fight drill. Card 210: Earn a Gold in the Precision Passing drill. Card 211: Earn a Gold in the Coffin Corner drill.