MX Superfly |
PlayStation2/Cheats M
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Get EverythingGo to the main menu and press Triangle, L1 + Left, Square, Triangle, L1 + Right, R1 + Down, R1 + Right, SelectGet All bikesGo to the main menu and press L2 + Square, L1 + Right, L2 + Circle, L1 + Left, SquareGet All tracksGo to the main menu and press Triangle, Right, L1 +R1, Square + Circle, L2 + Circle, SquareGet 250 cc FreestyleGo to the main menu and press Up, L1 + Up, Square, L1 + Right, L2 + Down, L1 + LeftGet All ridersGo to the main menu and press Right, L1 + Right, Down, L1 + Left, Right, SquareBunny HopTo do a bunny hop stop and hold Clutch(L1),back,X and Preload(L2 or R2). wait till you've fully preloaded then release Clutch...and Voila...A bunny hop.If thats too hard Try this:Hold back,X and Preload,wait till youve preloaded and you will do a bunny hop not as high as the other one but a fast, Quick bunny hopGet a CRF250RAfter completing Career mode PRO 125 and moving on to select a new bike select a CRF450 complete the 250 mode with that bike, once you have finished the game you can play a 125 motocross track and when you choose a bike choose your cr450 and it will be a crf250 because it will be in a 125 mode.Easy moneyTo get easy money go to the tutorials and select one. Then hit x until all the words go away.Then when its time to start hit pause and exit the game. and it gives you moneyAll Tricks hold L2 and R2 befor a trick x tap/superman seat grab x press/superman indian x hold/superfly
o tap/no hander o press/nothing o hold/nothing mute
triangle tap/ heel clicker triangle press/roadio air triangle hold/extended roadio air
square tap/ nac nac square press/nac nac lookback square hold/1 handed nac nac
x+x tap/mulisha air x+x press/mulisha indian air x+x hold/rock solid
o+o tap/la-z-boy o+o hold/extended la-z-boy
triangle[2] tap/bar hop triangle[2] press/stail fish triangle[2] hold/extened stail fish
square[2] tap/cat nac square[2] press/9 o' nac square[2] hold/1 handed 9 o' nac
x+triangle tap/hert attack x+triangle press/heilcopter x+triangle hold/executioner
x+square tap/stroke x+square press/tsuami x+square hold/kiss of death indian
o+x tap/corova o+x press/super corova o+x hold/extened super corova
o+triangle tap/cliff hanger o+triangle press/cliff hanger lookback o+triangle hold/extened cliff hanger lookback
triangle+o tap/shao-lin triangle+o press/shao-lin roadio triangle+o hold/extened shao-lin roadio
triangle+square tap/stailfish triangle+square press/saran wrap triangle+square hold/twitch
square+x tap/catwalk square+x press/1 handed catwalk square+x hold/no handed catwalk
square+o tap/can can square+o press/disco can square+o hold/extened disco can
square+triangle tap/super can square+triangle press/super switchblade square+triangle hold/1handed super switchblade
x+x+triangle tap/mulisha indian to heilcopter                   tap triangle+triangle+x bar hop to superman indian
triangle+triangle+o tap/experimental propellar
squ+squ+tri tap/cat nac to stailfish
squ+squ+squ tap/cat nac to 9 o' nac
squ+tri+o tap/super can to shao-lin roadio
o+x+square tap/cordova to 9 o' nac
triangle+o+o tap/mcmetz triangle+o+o press/extened mcmetz
tri+squ+squ tap/saran wrap tonac nac lookback
o+triangle+triangle tap/seat stand o+triangle+triangle press/surfer o+triangle+triangle hold/surfer lookback
square+o+o tap/pendulun square+o+o press/super pendulunBetter TricksPlay Freestyle and only do one trick. (superfly)Don't fall. then wait for the rest of the time. Then you enter at the replay screen enter x r2 square then hold r1 and L1. Then as soon as you let go you can do more/better tricks.Experimental TricksExperimental Break: (Hold L2 or R2) press Triangle, X, Triangle when in the airExperimental Olympic Podem: (Hold L2 or R2) press X, Square, Triangle when in the air Experimental Back: (Hold L2 or R2) press X, Triangle, X when in the air Play as Cameron Steele Get the "World's Longest Jump" trophy to unlock Cameron Steele.Play as Elrod the Viking Go to the Rock Ridge freestyle track. Go to the left until you notice the chair lift. Head downhill to the lower tower. Look for the stone ramp to the right (while still facing downhill). Get your speed up to about 45 mph, preload, and jump to the tower and stop on top of it. You must now travel up to the higher tower riding on the cables. When you reach the other side, will get the "Lift Tower Challenge" trophy and unlock Elrod the Viking.Play as Superfly Get the "Crane's Eye View" trophy to unlock Superfly.Get Sal The AlienIn Fox Creek, follow the white barrels from rooftop to rooftop and then you should land on a rock that's like a bridge but don't stop, you need to carry your speed and then you'll make it to a cave and just follow the weird alien stuff till u get to a room with an alien ship and go to the room in the back with the alien in a tube and then it should say special trophy awarded or something like that and now you have Sal The Alien!Other Things to Get By Finishing ChallengesFinish This | To Get this: | Dramatic Entrance Challenge | New Barriers | Brave Vertical Drop Challenge | Cow Motorcycle | Impossible Wheelie Challenge | New Ramps | Impossible Stoppage Challenge | New Movable Objects | World's Longest Jump Challenge | Unlock Cameron Steele | Dominate 250cc Pro Freestyle Season | Fire Motorcycle | Cross Training Challenge | Floating platforms & Station Z Arena | Lift Tower Challenge | Unlock Elrod the Viking | Crane's Eye View Challenge | Unlock Superfly | Mega Stunt Challenge | Unlock Wheelball Mini-game | Safety First Challenge | Balloon Toss Mini-game |
Game Shark CodesMaster Code (Must Be On) | 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE87FA82 BCBB612A | Max Money | DEBCF226 C19E7B82 | Max Points | CEBDF8DA BCA99E6A | 1 Lap Races | CEBDD3BE BCA99B83 | No Opponents | CEBDD3A2 BCA99B83 |