MVP Baseball 2005
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats M
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Unlock Midget Players:
Create a player with one of the following case-sensitive names to create a midget player:

keegan paterson
jacob paterson
isaiah paterson

Unlock everything:
Enter Katie Roy as a case-sensitive name when creating a player.

Bigger body:
Enter kenny lee as a case-sensitive name when creating a player.

Thin bat:
Enter erik kiss as a case-sensitive name when creating a player.

Unlock Legendary Teams:
Unlock all 25 Legends Team players.

Unlock Heroes Teams:
Unlock all 25 Heroes Team players.

Unlock Secrets Mode:
Purchase all the available Ballpark Upgrades in Owner Mode to unlock an extra option in the Buy Assets menu.

Easy Way to Get a Sucessful Owner Mode:
First select owner mode under the game modes category. Then set the player fantasy draft off and the staff fantasy draft on for user 1st and DH Rule for both. Then injuries, suspension, rained out games, and finacial advisor, fair trades, CPU initiated trades, and trade daealine. Have your team be the New York Mets. Trade anyone making over 300k (300 thousand) and then release everyone else till you have no one on your team. Next just create a player at evey postion and all 5 starters (SP), and at leat 3 reliefers(RP).

Then sign the rest as free agents (people making less than 300k. When you create the batters/fielders make all their batting/fielding/speed stats 0. And for the pitchers lower their stamina to 1, pickoff and fastball control to 0 and fastball velocity to 77, the change up movement to 0 the control to 0. then sign the players for 7 years @ 300k per year. When you finally do start lower all your staff salarys low as they will offer for 7 years. Then buy the first seating upgrade and a short shop stop store under the store venues. Don't worry bout conssion stands. Then schedule promotional days for your first and last games and all the rivalries. By the year 2010 (on the game) you should have the final seating upgrade and should be starting to get some other upgrades.

Scheduale Promotional Days for free in Owner Mode:
If you need more money and attendance. then go to owners box promotional days, and go down to free ticket and have them for most of your home games. FOR FREE!

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