Knight Rider
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats K
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Level select:
Enter ROAM01 as a code in campaign mode.

Disable level select:
Enter ROAM00 as a code in campaign mode.

Enable SPM in all levels:
Enter POWER01 as a code in campaign mode.

Disable SPM in all levels:
Enter POWER00 as a code in campaign mode.

Defeating KARR:
When you reach "Last Knight Standing," where you have to shut down KARR, use the following trick to defeat him easier. After the dialogue between Michael and KITT ends and KARR starts coming towards you, immediately turn right. You will see a electric box with a poll sticking out of it. Either drive through that or Turbo Boost through. This will set off the electric static, like from the previous mission. Turn around and wait for KARR to drive through the static. This will damage KARR greatly. If timed correctly, you can Turbo Boost over KARR and the static. After you turn around, KARR will most likely turn and go back though. Keep doing this and you will defeat the Knight Automated Roving Robot will little, if no, damage to KITT.

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