King's Field: The Ancient City
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats K
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Earthquake Hammer Hidden Weapon

Right after you fight the dark wizard, a door (Previously locked by the wizard's magic) will now be accessible. Past the demented puppets and a door ahead there will be a hallway off to the right, the first door on the left in this hall is the doorway to an empty room (That's what I thought...) Find the very small hole on the north wall and equip "Lord Myu's Amulet. You will see a green panel in the ceiling. Shoot a bolt or arrow into the hole and climb up the staircase that lowered. Earthquake awaits, a powerful 2 hand hammer that causes slowness.

Ancient Sword Hidden WeaponShort on Mushrooms?

There is a small cliff near the lighthouse in the Widda area, five mushrooms grow here every ten minutes...you have to shoot them down with arrows.


The "Scorpion Blade" is one powerful F*&%er, equip the spider amulet or the antidotes in your hotslot and nullify the poison status it inflicts on you.

Quick leveling

In the Flooded Castle there are always at least 2 water lizards in the main hall, strafe in close and avoid their ice balls, this is their only potent attack. When you close in enough they stop using magic and pull you in closer with their tongue like a frog, the instant you get in their biting range swing and stun them...then back up and repeat.

Demon Armor set

DO NOT EQUIP THESE ARMOR PIECES!!! Their benefit is minor compared to most sets, the shield casts darkness on you the armor will slowly drain your health, the sacrificial mask will cast random spells in hopes to kill you, and the gloves will drain your health in exchange for power, the boots are the only things that don't hurt you but beware...when equipped the Death Walkers prevent you from running!

After completing the snake-like widda location you will find a Widda Bow, the arrows are powerful and hard to find but should not be conserved...by the time you get the bow you are practically near the end of the game...use 'em up...

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