King Kong
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats K
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
Artwork gallery:
Successfully complete the game.

Bcome Invulnerable:
Go to cheats menu and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) while holding L1 and R1 and enter 8wonder to become invulnerable.

Get lots of Ammo:
Go to cheats menu and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) while holding L1 and R1 and enter "KK 999 mun" to get lots of ammo.

Get Machine Gun:
Go to cheats menu and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) while holding L1 and R1 and enter "KKcapone" to get a machine gun.

Get one-hit kills:
Go to cheats menu and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) while holding L1 and R1 and enter "GrosBras" to get one-hit kills.

Get revolver:
Go to cheats menu and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) while holding L1 and R1 and enter "KKtigun" to get the revolver.

Get sniper rifle:
Go to cheats menu and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) while holding L1 and R1 and enter "KKsn1per" to get a sniper rifle.

High contrast filter option:
Get a 100% game completion.

Horizontal flip option:
Get a 100% game completion and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at www.kingkonggame.com.

Old movie filter option:
Get a 15% game completion.

Peter Jackson Interview:
Have at least 75,000 points and a 100% game completion.

Philippa Boyens interview:
Have at least 200,000 points, a 100% game completion, and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at www.kingkonggame.com.

Save Kong alternate ending sequence:
Have at least 250,000 points and a 100% game completion.

Unlock All Levels:
Go to cheats menu and press Down, Circle, Up, Square, Down(2), Up(2) while holding L1 and R1 and enter "KKst0ry" to unlock all levels.

Weta Artworks: Creatures
Get a 50% game completion.

Weta Artworks: Environments Part 1
Get a 5% game completion.

Weta Artworks: Environments Part 2
Get a 25% game completion and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at www.kingkonggame.com.

Weta Artworks: Environments Part 3
Have at least 50,000 points and a 100% game completion.

Weta Artworks: Kong Part 1
Get a 75% game completion.

Weta Artworks: Kong Part 2
Have at least 20,000 points and a 100% game completion.

Weta Artworks: Kong Part 3
Have at least 100,000 points and a 100% game completion.

Weta Artworks: Kong Part 4
Have at least 150,000 points and a 100% game completion.

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