Karaoke Revolution Party
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats K
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Contributor: admin
Ballgown - 3 Platinum Records
Space Girl - 2 Diamond Records
Cat Suits - 4 Platinum Records
Long Denim Skirt - 6 Platinum Records
Giant Glasses - 5 Diamond Records
Bathrobe - 10 Gold Records
Junior - 10 Platinum Records
Devil Girl Outfit - 11 Platinum Records
Taylor - 12 Platinum Records
Opera Girl Outfit - 13 Platinum Records
Romeo Outfit - 15 Platinum Records
Diamond Bracelet - 10 Diamond Records
Goth Dress - 16 Platinum Records
Funk Outfit - 18 Platinum Records
FR-3Q - 20 Gold Records
Open Shirt - 20 Platinum Records
Tic Top - 22 Platinum Records
Joke Glasses - 23 Platinum Records
Retro Cowgirl - 25 Platinum Records
Swim Trunks - 27 Platinum Records
Crop Jacket - 2 Platinum Dance Records
Sun Visor - 3 Platinum Dance Records
Fez Hat - 1500000 Total Points
Cheerleader - 5 Platinum Dance Records
Rockabilly Outfit - 10 Platinum Dance Records
Tweed Cap - 2000000 Total Points
Enrique - Get 7 Plat. records.
Isis - Get 30 Gold Records
Woven Cap - 45 Platinum Records
White Leather Wristbands - 43 Platinum Records
Sombrero - 3000000 Total Points
Star Wristbands - 40 Platinum Records
Villain Moustache - 40 Gold Records
Spiked Bracelets - 37 Platinum Records
Bucket Hat - 35 Platinum Records
Miner's Cap - 30 Diamond Records
Beanie Hats - 33 Platinum Records
Pilot Goggles - 2500000 Total Points
Silk Chinese Dress - 30 Platinum Records
Sock Armwear - 20 Diamond Records
A-Line Skirt - 47 Platinum Records
Go-Go Boots - 50 Gold Records
Velvet Supreme - 50 Platinum Records
Bobby Cap - 40 Diamond Records

Platinum Debut - 1st Platinum Record
Diamond Miner - 1st Diamond Record
Best New Duo - 1st Duet Platinum Record
Perfect Pair - 1st Duet Diamond Record
80s Maniac - 80s Set Completed
Karaoke Millionaire - 1000000 Total Points
Dancing Fool - 1st Platinum Record in Sing and Dance
Feet of Fury - 1st Platinum Record in Sing and Dance on Expert
The Boss of Boogie - Dance Genre Set Completed
Rock Star - Rock Set Completed
Karaoke World Tour - 50 Songs Completed
Gold Master - 50 Gold Records
Wall to Wall Platinum - 50 Platinum Records
The Big Romantic - Ballads Set Completed
Oldies But Goodies - Oldies Set Completed

Unlockable songs:
Brickhouse 2 - Platinum Records
Me and Bobby McGee - 250000 Total Points
Greatest Love of All - 5 Platinum Records
I'll Be - 9 Platinum Records
Waiting For a Girl Like You - 500000 Total Points
Takin' Care of Business - 750,000 Total Points

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