Karaoke Revolution
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats K
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Unlock Like a Virgin video

Finish each song in Showtime Mode with at least a Gold Record.

Unlock Martin

Complete arcade mode on the advanced setting with all Platinum Records.

Unlock Harmony

Complete arcade mode on the intermediate setting with all Platinum Records.

Unlock Kat

Complete arcade mode on the beginner setting with all Platinum Records.

Unlock Smooth Criminal

Successfully complete arcade mode on the intermediate difficulty setting with at least a "Gold" rank on all songs to unlock the Smooth Criminal song.

Unlock Science Genius Girl Song

Successfully complete arcade mode on the advanced difficulty setting with at least a "Gold" rank on all songs to unlock the Science Genius Girl song.

One Week

Successfully complete challenge mode to unlock the One Week song.

Ladies Night

Successfully complete arcade mode on the beginner difficulty setting with at least a "Gold" rank on all songs to unlock the Ladies Night song.

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