James Bond 007: Nightfire
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats J
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On the Enemies Vanquished level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle

Get Extra Race

On the Enemies Vanquished level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle

Get Racing Trails

On any level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Square, Circle, Circle, Square

Get 3X Armor

On any level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Square

Get 2X Armor

On any level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square

Get 4X Armor

On any level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Square

Get Crazy Racing

On any level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle

Get Insane Racing

On any level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle

Get Super Bullets

On any level during racing pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle

Get Faster Laser

Put in the code PHOTON

Unlock Max Zorin for Multiplayer

Put in the code BLIMP

Pick level

Put in the code PASSPORT

Get Demolition Mode

Put in the code TNT

Get protect Mode

Put in the code GUARDIAN

Get Uplink Mode

Put in the code TRANSMIT

Unlock Explosive Scenery

Put in the code BOOM

Get Teamwork Koth Mode

Put in the code TEAMWORK

Goldeneye Strike

Put in the code Orbit

Assassination Mode

Put in the code SCOPE

Get Equinox Level

Put in the code VACUUM

Unlock Oddjob for Multiplayer

Put in the code BOWLER

Unlock Goldfinger for Multiplayer

Put in the code MIDAS

Unlock Christmas Jones for Multiplayer

Put in the code NUCLEAR

Unlock Miss Galore for Multiplayer

Put in the code CIRCUS

Unlock Jaws for Multiplayer

Put in the code DENTAL

Unlock SCARAMANGA for Multiplayer

Put in the code ASSASSIN

Unlock Baron Samedi for Multiplayer

Put in the code VOODOO

Unlock Xenia for Multiplayer

Put in the code JANUS

Unlock Tuxedo for Multiplayer

Put in the code BLACKTIE

Unlock Stronger Tranquilizers

Put in the code SLEEPY

Unlock Sniper Level

Put in the code MELTDOWN

Unlock Golden Gun

Put in the code TARGET

All multiplayer Characters

Put in the code Party

Larger Sniper Rifle Clip

Put in the code MAGAZINE

Unlock Countdown Level

Put in the code BLASTOFF

Larger Sniper Rifle Clip

Put in the code MAGAZINE

Unlock Renard for Multiplayer

Put in the code HEADCASE

Unlock Golden P2K

Put in the code Q LAB (Must have the space)

Unlimited PP7 ammo

When you are playing level 12 on 1 player get a gold medal with all 007 icons.

Hint: Multi-player: Double pistols:

Choose multi-player mode and for weapons select Phoenix weapons. You will start with a pistol. Find another and you can use two pistols. Note: You must also be a Phoenix character.

Use Shelby Cobra on the Vanquished Level

On the Vanquished level pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Right, Right, Left, left, Up

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