Hot Shots Golf 3 |
PlayStation2/Cheats H
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In Game Reset During gameplay press L1 + L2 + R1 + r2 + Start + SelectLeftyTo get a left handed golfer when you choose your golfer press start.How to win players like spike Etc.To win spike Etc frist go to vs mode under 1player golf and then get 4up on him and you will win him or just have less strokes than the person you are playingWinning All CharactersAn easy way to win all the characters easily is to play by yourself and gain A LOT of points. Once you have at least 30 some thousand points, go buy "Pinch Hit Coupons". Once you have at least 15 of these, play in VS mode and when selecting a golf course, go to options and put on the coupons. This will let the computer win for you!Winning All CharactersAn easy way to win all the characters easily is to play by yourself and gain A LOT of points. Once you have at least 30 some thousand points, go buy "Pinch Hit Coupons". Once you have at least 15 of these, play in VS mode and when selecting a golf course, go to options and put on the coupons. This will let the computer win for you!
Game shark codes:Master code "must be on" 0E3C7DF21853E59E EE8D8B1EBCBA0D82
Unlimited pinch (hit coupons) FE47FAFDBCA99B96
Max Points (P1) DE4B9F02BCB8DDC2
All Characters enabled DE47FA1EBFAC9E86 DE47FA1ABFAC9E86 DE47FA26BFAC9E86 CE47FA22BCA99E86 FE47FA2CBCA99B86
All clubs DE47F9FEBFAC9E86
All balls DE47F9FABFAC9E86 DE47F986BFAC9E86