Get Silenced Ballers Get a Silent Assassin Rank in any mission Get Sawed Off Shotgun Get a Silent Assassin Rank in any 2 missions Many cheatsLevel cheat (On main menu)R2, L2, Up, Down, square, triangle, circle!God mode(during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, up, down, x, R2, L2, R1, L1!All weapons(during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, Up, Square, x!Megaforce mode ( once toggled on cannot toggle off have to restart!)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, R2, R2!Full heal (during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, Up, Down!Bomb mode (during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, Up, L1!Punch mode (during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2 Up Down x Up Up!Gravity (during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, L2, L2!Lethal charge (during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, Up, Up!Nailgun mode (during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, L1, L1!Slow Motion (during gameplay, not pause)R2, L2, Up, Down, x, Up, L2!All above cheats submitted by J Jowett Codename:Jabba