Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats G
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Various cheat codes

Enter each of the codes below during gameplay to activate the cheat.

Get All Weapons #1
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Get All Weapons #2
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left

Get All Weapons #3
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down

Get Full Armor
R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Get Full Health
R1, R2, L1, Circle, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Commit Suicide
Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1

Increase Wanted Level
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

Decrease Wanted Level
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down

Ladies Man (certain women follow you)
Circle, X, L1, L1, R2, X, X, Circle, Triangle

Character Skin Cheats

Change your clothes
Right, Right, Left, Up, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down, Right

Play As Ricardo Diaz
L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, L1, R2, L2

Play As Lance Vance
Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, L1

Play As Candy Suxxx
Circle, R2, Down, R1, Left, Right, R1, L1, X, L2

Play As Ken Rosenberg
Right, L1, Up, L2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R1

Play As Hilary King
R1, Circle, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R2

Play As Love Fist Guy #1
Down, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X

Play As Love Fist Guy #2
R1, L2, R2, L1, Right, R2, Left, X, Square, L1

Play As Phil Cassady
Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1 ,Right, Circle

Play As Sonny Forelli
Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X

Play As Mercedes
R2, L1, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle

Some vehicle Spawning Cheats

Spawn A Rhino
Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

Spawn A Bloodring Racer
Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left

Spawn A Bloodring Banger
Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2

Spawn A Hotring Racer #1
R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1

Spawn A Hotring Racer #2
R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2

Spawn A Romero's Hearse
Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right

Spawn A Love Fist
R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

Spawn A Trashmaster
Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

Spawn A Sabre Turbo
Right, L2, Down, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, Left

Spawn A Caddie
Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X

Other Vehicle Cheats

Blow Up Cars
R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1

Aggressive Drivers
R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2

Pink Cars
Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, X

Pink Cars
Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle

Black Cars
Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle

Dodo Cheat
Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1

Perfect Handling
Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1

Weather Cheats

Sunny Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down

Cloudy Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle

Very Cloudy Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square

Stormy Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle

Foggy Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X

Miscellaneous Cheats

Speed Up Time
Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

Slow Down Time
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1

Peds Riot
Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1

Peds Hate You
Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2

BIG thanks to Fiber_Optikz and Genome_Gxp for testing these.

Hidden Packages

Packages / Reward / Reward Location
10, Body Armor, Ocean Veiw Hotel
20, Chainsaw, Ocean Veiw Hotel
30, Python, Ocean Veiw Hotel
40, Flame-Thrower, Ocean Veiw Hotel
50,Laser Scope Sniper Rifle,Ocean Veiw Hotel
60, Minigun, Ocean Veiw Hotel
70, Rocket Launcher,Ocean Veiw Hotel
80, Chopper ,Starfish Island Mansions HPad
90, Rhino Fort Baxter Air Base
100, Ultimate Car Fort Baxter Air Base

How to find the Helicopter

Near the arena in the "Downtown" district is a condo you can purchase for a safe house ($14000) there are 3 garages for cars and an opening that says Roof Access above the door. There is a Heli pad on the Roof The Helicopter should be there. If it is not there, just leave and come back. This may take a few tries, but it will eventually be back.

Get six different weapons

Go to the golf club on a moped. Go though the gate. On your right and left ,there will be six guns free

Unlock the final 2 missions

If you are at the part where you just finished the mission:Copland, then you go back to do another mission at your mansion and the pink light isn't there anymore. Don't get to exited, no you didn't beat the game yet. You just have to do 2 more missions at the mansion then your done, but you can't do missions there yet untill you finish all of the ASSETS & EXTRAS missions. Here they are:

1.Four Iron(Avery Carrington)
2.Demolition Man(Avery Carrington)
3.Two Bit Hit(Avery Carrington)
4.Love Juice(Rock Band)
5.Psycho Killer(Rock Band)
6.Alloy Wheels of steel(Biker)
7.Messing with the man(Biker)
8.Hog tied(Biker)
9.Publicity Tour(Rock Band continued)
10.Road Kill(Mysterious Caller)
11.Waste the Wife(Mysterious Caller)
12.Autocide(Mysterious Caller)
13.Check out at the Check in(Mysterious Caller)
14.Stunt Boat Challenge(Cuban)
15.Cannon Fodder(Cuban)
16.Naval Engagement(Cuban)
17.Juju Scramble(Haitian)
18.Bombs Away(Haitian)
19.Dirty Lickin's(Haitian)
20.Trojan Voodoo(Cuban continued)
Buy the Boatyard
21.Checkpoint Charlie(Boatyard)
Buy Taxi Factory
22.V.I.P(Kautman Cab)
23.Friendly Rivalry(Kautman Cab)24.Cabmageddon(Kautman Cab)
Buy Malibu Dance Club
25.No Escape(Malibu)
26.The Shootist(Malibu)
After 26, you unlock 27
27.Loose Ends(Mysterious Caller)
28.The Driver(Malibu)
29.The Job(Malibu)
30.Gun Runner(Phil)
31.Boomshine Saigon(Phil)
32.Recruitment Drive(Steve Scott)
33.Dildo Dodo(Steve Scott)
34.Martha's Mug Shot(Steve Scott)
35.G-Spotlight(Steve Scott)
Buy Print Works Factory
36.Spilling the Beans(Print Works)
37.Hit the Courier(Print Works)

After 37 seven missions of ASSETS & EXTRAS you unlock the 2 last missions to finish the game.


1. Brown Thunder vigilante missions:
Collect al
Highest Paramedic Level
Fire Truck Mission Level
Max Flight Hours
Fishes Fed
Max Visits From Loan Sharks
All Stores Knocked Off
All Assasinations
Max Pizzas Delivered

GTA Vice
(M)Must Be On

Infinite Health

Infinite Armor

Infinite Health & Armor

Max Money

Infinite Ammo

All Packages

These are CodeBreaker codes (Not Gameshark)1E Enable Code (Must Be On)

FA7A006E 32C6AA91
1 Infinite Health 2AACC91F 3C0142C8
2AA8C91F AC410368
2A94C91F 03E00008
2A90C91F 44020000
2A872FFD 0C030088
2 Infinite Armor 2A9CC91F 3C0142C8
2A98C91F AC41036C
2A84C91F 03E00008
2A80C91F 46000836
2ABF2FFF 0C03008C
3 Infinite Ammo-All Weapons (Inside Car) 2ACB379E 00000000
2A57379E 00000000
4 Infinite Ammo-All Weapons 2A473795 00000000
2AFF3795 00000000
5 Quick Money Gain 1A950A6F 0000FFFF
1A990A6F 0000FFFF
6 Max Money 2A6F788C 05F5E0FF
2A6B788C 05F5E0FF
7 Have All Weapons [Note 1] 2A57788C 00000064
8 Infinite Run 0A2F6F9E 00000001
9 Walk & Drive Through Most Walls 2A5F3139 00000000
2A333139 00000000
10 Pedestrians Dont Have Weapons 2AFB3791 03E00008
2AE73791 00000000
11 No Car Damage From Collisions 2A3B360B 03E00008
2A27360B 00000000
12 All Cars Are Immune To Weapons 2ADB34B9 03E00008
2AC734B9 00000000
13 Idiot AI-Civilians 2ABB3BBE 03E00008
2AA73BBE 00000000
14 Can Not Be Arrested 2A6B3B92 03E00008
2A573B92 00000000
2A9B3B6C 03E00008
2A873B6C 00000000
15 Cops Get Out And Walk Away 2ABB3B69 03E00008
2AA73B69 00000000
16 Idiot AI-Cops 2A6B3B64 03E00008
2A573B64 00000000
17 Idiot AI-Firemen 2ACB3B42 03E00008
2AB73B42 00000000
18 Idiot AI-Medics 2ABB3B5C 03E00008
2AA73B5C 00000000
19 Idiot AI-Medics & Firemen 2ABB3B53 03E00008
2AA73B53 00000000
20 Pedestrians Never Feel Threatened 2A3B38C6 03E00008
2A2738C6 00000000
21 Cars Dont Stop For Other Cars 2AEB3E5D 03E00008
2AD73E5D 00000000
22 Cars Dont Stop For Pedestrians 2A6B3E5F 03E00008
2A573E5F 00000000
23 Infinite Time [Note 2] 2A8B29AE 03E00008
2A7729AE 00000000
24 Infinite Health & Armor (Everyone) 2A2B1077 03E00008
2A171077 00000000
Always Have Helicopters After You Codes
25 None 2A9B2B3F 03E00008
2A872B3F 24020000
26 1 Helicopter 2A9B2B3F 03E00008
2A872B3F 24020001
27 2 Helicopters 2A9B2B3F 03E00008
2A872B3F 24020002
28 3 Helicopters 2A9B2B3F 03E00008
2A872B3F 24020003
29 4 Helicopters 2A9B2B3F 03E00008
2A872B3F 24020004
30 5 Helicopters 2A9B2B3F 03E00008
2A872B3F 24020005
31 6 Helicopters 2A9B2B3F 03E00008
2A872B3F 24020006
32 Never Wanted 2ADB2B3A 03E00008
2AC72B3A 00000000
Always Wanted Level Codes
33 None 2ACF2B3A 24060000
34 Lowest Level 1 2ACF2B3A 24060096
35 Lowest Level 2 2ACF2B3A 2406012C
36 Lowest Level 3 2ACF2B3A 24060258
37 Lowest Level 4 2ACF2B3A 240604B0
38 Lowest Level 5 2ACF2B3A 24060960
39 Lowest Level 6 2ACF2B3A 240612C0
40 Highest Level 6 2ACF2B3A 24062580
41 Press L1 For Mega Jump 2ACCC91D 3C01005C
2AC8C91D 94210182
2AB4C91D 30210400
2AB0C91D 14200004
2ABCC91D 3C030040
2AB8C91D 8FA104D0
2AA4C91D 00230821
2AA0C91D AFA104D0
2AACC91D 0804BB50
2AA8C91D 00000000
2A27393B 0C030000
42 Press L1 For Mega Jump 2ACCC91D 3C01005C
2AC8C91D 94210182
2AB4C91D 30210400
2AB0C91D 14200004
2ABCC91D 3C030080
2AB8C91D 8FA104D0
2AA4C91D 00230821
2AA0C91D AFA104D0
2AACC91D 0804BB50
2AA8C91D 00000000
2A27393B 0C030000
43 Press L1 For Super Ultra Jump 2ACCC91D 3C01005C
2AC8C91D 94210182
2AB4C91D 30210400
2AB0C91D 14200004
2ABCC91D 3C030100
2AB8C91D 8FA104D0
2AA4C91D 00230821
2AA0C91D AFA104D0
2AACC91D 0804BB50
2AA8C91D 00000000
2A27393B 0C030000
44 People You've Wasted Modifier 2A3B09E8 ????????
45 People Wasted By Others Modifier 2A2709E8 ????????
46 Road Vehicles Destroyed Modifier 2A2309E8 ????????
47 Boats Destroyed Modifier 2A2F09E8 ????????
48 Tires Popped With Gunfire Modifier 2A2B09E8 ????????
49 Bullets Fired Modifier 2A1709E8 ????????
50 Planes & Helicopters Destroyed Modifier 2A1309E8 ????????
51 Criminal Rating Modifier 2A1F09E8 ????????
52 Max Percentage Completed 2A1B09E8 42200000
53 Kgs Of Explosives Used Modifier 2A0709E8 ????????
54 Bullets That Hit Modifier 2A0309E8 ????????
55 Number Of Head Shots Modifier 2A0F09E8 ????????
56 Total Number Of Wanted Stars Obtained Modifier 2A0B09E8 ????????
57 Total Number Of Wanted Stars Evaded Modifier 2AF709E8 ????????
58 Times Busted Modifier 2AF309E8 ????????
59 Hospital Visits Modifier 2AFF09E8 ????????
60 Days Passed In Game Modifier 2AFB09E8 ????????
61 Safehouse Visits Modifier 2AE709E8 ????????
62 Sprayings Modifier 2AE309E8 ????????
63 Max INSANE Jump Flips Modifier 2AD709E8 ????????
64 Max INSANE Jump Rotation Modifier 2AD309E8 ????????

Ultimate Vehicle

Go to police HQ and get the cop uniform. Get a helicopter and fly to the northern part of fort baxter air base. Land in this section and enter the army helicopter a.k.a. Hunter a.k.a. 'ultimate vehicle'. Circle fires missiles, R1 fires the machine gun.

Hidden package rewards:
Collect the hidden packages to unlock bonus items at your hideout.


10 packagesBody Armor
20 packagesChainsaw
30 packagesPython
40 packagesFlame-thrower
50 packagesLaser Scope Sniper Rifle
60 packagesMinigun
70 packagesRocket Launcher
80 packagesSea Sparrow
90 packagesRhino
100 packagesSecret Vehicle

150 Health:
Get a level 10 in the Pizza Boy Missions.

Unlimited Sprint:
Get a level 12 in the ambulance missions.

Taxi Boost:
Complete 100 taxi missions to get the Taxi Boost where you can use the L3 button to make the car jump.

Easter Eggs:
When you are in the hotel, go up the stairs and into the room that is open. To your left you should see a poster with the character you are in GTA III.

In the beginning of the game after the Rock Star games logo appears try listening to the music at the ending of the Rock Star North logo, it is the same music in GTA III when your pager came on screen.

Cone crazy:
When you have to go get the assault rifle in the parking garage, go to the top level, drive to the back and get into the convertible. Cone crazy starts, kind of a road test.

Gas Bombs:
On Vice Point, the police station right across from Starfish Island connecting bridge, is the police station. In the back of the police station are some gas bombs. This is very helpful when you are surronded by gangs. When you fire the gas bombs, instantly everyone around you runs away. The only downside of this weapon, is that it effects your health very quickly. You get 4 at a time.

Chainsaw massacre:
1. When you get the chainsaw jump on top of a car (or even better an ambulance) and when the drivers are in the car and you are holding the chainsaw press tap Circle and see what happens.

2. While running (just pressing forward) while holding the chainsaw hold Circle and you should be running with the chainsaw strait forward and it is constantly on (unless you let go of Circle). You can strip cars of their bonets and doors ect. It is also a good way of killing gangs.

1. When you have Diaz's mansion after you kill him, outside of the room where you save the game (inside the mansion) their are some pictures of Diaz on the wall and you have done graffiti on them. There is also another one with a knife slash through it and devil horns drawn on it.

2. When you claim Diaz's mansion for your own there is loads of gangsters around (there Diaz's old one's which are now your's) they say things like 'Hey its MR V' and other things to do with Tommy. But this is the funny thing, Diaz must have been preety weak because when you hit his men they play dead So I think they did this to Diaz aslwell to make the messed up midget think he was hard.

Sexy Candy Suxxx:
1. When you have completed the Dildo Dodo mission for the film studio (the one where you have to fly a plane and drop magazines out of it), look at the floor of the street. The magazines are there, look at them through the sniper for a better view.

2. When you have completed the film studio missions, in your mansion (Diaz's old one) there is a picture/poster of her where you save the game in the mansion and on the desk there are the pictures you took in 'Marthes mugshot'

3. After you have comleted the 'G-spotlight' mission, at night the spotlight shows you some things with Suxxx under it.

Things to do with bikes:
1. Go to a 'Change Clothes Sign' and pull up to it on a bike so it is on the righthand side. Then get off the bike, then back on. When you get back on, the screen will fade and it will reappear and you are not on the bike, you are stuck to the bike you cannot fall off it. So you can do some ultimate jumps. Tommy will run with the bike as well. To get out of this simply press Triangle.

2. To take the bike in places like the Malibu club and you mansion speed up to the doors and press Triangle to bail at the last second, then go inside the club/mansion. Your bike should be inside

Funny people:
Follow people around and listen to their comments they are mostly dead funny expecialy the fat men and the black dudes with red tops white hats (they start rappin)

Naughty things to look at:
1. If you go to the entrance of the golf course at Leaf Links at 11 o'clock at night (23:00) turn and face away from the entrance to look at one of the tall buildings the lights on the building form a mans genitals.

2. In the ocean/sea in the middle of Leaf Links and Downtown next to some stones underwater there is a man with bricks for shoes and it looks like he has been smashed up pretty bad.

Pizza place fun:
If you are doing the mission "Cannon Fodder" notice the pizza place next to it, if you want even though you are doing a mission, you can go inside the pizza place. Then go left then staight up to the counter turn left and you should see 2 arcade boxes, go over to them and listen to some funny music you can also use your sniper rifle and zoom in on the 2 screens, on the left screen you should see a sign on the screen stating "Pogo the monkey".

Angle bike & PCJ 600:
When you get to "Little Havana" after driving through Starfish Island turn right and keep going until you get to a right turn. Keep going a bit and you will see a man standing, looking around. In front of him there should be the "Angel" motorcycle. Across the street there is a "bike store", smash the window and you should find a "PCJ 600".".

Shooting Range Targets:
If you buy the Malibu Club on of the missions is to go to the shooting range in the downtown Ammunation. The second and third part of the challenge you can see that the targets are the people from GTA 3.

Tank Air!
Your tank can shoot higher than the clouds when you put in the low gravity code, just aim the cannon backwards and take off like a plane, keep shooting it rapidly to accellerate. Im pretty sure it goes highest out of all the vehicles in the game.

Free Repair:
You can use any of your garages to repair your cars. Simply put the semi-destroyed car into the garage, get out, let the garage door close, and then go back in. Free Repair.

150 Body Armor:
Get a level 12 on the Vigilante missions to get 150 body armor. This is very easy with the Hunter helicopter.(the Apache)

More Arcade games:
If you buy the Kaufman Kabs place, you will notice that there are arcade games in there as well as in the pizza place.

Be a Good Citizen:
If you see a police officer chasing someone go and try to help by knocking down the person he is chasing. For example punch him. Then you get 50 bucks for being a good citizen.

If you have purchased the film studio, go in to the space studio, which is to the right of studio "A". Behind the space shuttle there is an M16 assault rifle.

Once you complete all of Phils missions you receive a big barrel of Boomshine at your hotel.

FBI Washington:
If you go behind the downtown Pizza Place and back through the alley there is a black FBI Washington.

If you want to see the rainbow, get on top of Diaz mansion and have your back towards the water and look straight ahead. You can also use your sniper rifle to get a better view.

If you buy the Pole Position Club, if you go inside, you will see girls dance. Go find a red room then suddenly a girl will be dancing in front of you. Press X to exit this dancing show.

Familiar voice:
Go near a fat worker and bump him. His voice is from Hey Arnold. It's the butcher.

Unlimited Mini Gun Ammo:
After you get Phills Place keep picking up the mini gun until you get to 10,000 bullets then the bullet number will dissapear so you can keep shooting and it will never run out.

Dead man's money:
When you punch a person fleeing from a cop the cop will kill him but you can still earn mony from it when the man is dead go and kick him then walk away 2 steps or more,then go kick him again. Keep doing this to earn money for free untill he disapears. (You will not get caught by the cops for doing this.)

Dead Diaz:
You can see Diaz dead with concrete shoes near the first island across the bridge next to the mansion. He is in the water south of the bridge, near the wall.

Two cool cars:
When you do the mission where you go and destroy a hearse in a cuban outfit, you can either get the hearse or a black voodoo!

Pool shapes:
When flying either the seaplane or a helicopter going from the movie studios towards the Diaz mansion over the "rich" neighborhood, take a look at some of the swimming pools. One has an hourglass shape where from a distance you see a red bikini. Other pools have various shapes. (i.e. there is one in the shape of the Rockstar logo.

Faster bikes:
When you are on any of the motorcycles slightly push up on the left analog stick just until Tommey puts his head down close to the bike and then it will start moving faster. Dont push the stick the whole way up or Tommey will stand and the bike will slow down.

How to get 125 health without cheats?:
Take a shabby car and find a hooker, the ones that are white and have black tops and black skirts, and the ones that are black and have red tops and black skirts. Stop in front in one of these hookers and turn off the music in the car and they will start talking to you. Then they will go around car and get in. If they don't get in then go find another hooker. When you get one of the hookers in the car go find a spot that no one goes to or is very private. The car will start bouncing, if you watch your health it will start going up.but try not to keep in the very long because the moment she gets in the car they will start taking money. When the car stops bouncing or she just gets out she will take $20 and what ever she took from you. If you kill her you will get all your money back. The car does not have to bounce sometimes it doesn't for me. The place I always take is in a backyad. To find it to the hotel is right next to the bridge to Leaf Links,the hotel has a Pay'n Spray right next to it too. Right accross from the hotel be a narrow back alley there will be fences seperating the backyards,go in one and your health will go up.one problem though if your health is at 125 and you put in the cheat full health it will bump you down to 100 and have go through this all over again.

'The Driver' mission:
If you are having problems with 'The Driver' mission do this: when you have started the mission look to your right (remember the machine gun) then when the counter is down to zero start driving and try to shoot out Hilary's tires, he will lose control and slam up against a wall and you will be able to drive smoothly through the race.

If you look closley from a helicopter or boat in the sea you can sometime see sharks, it might be hard to find though.

Earn extra money:
Go to a place (rooftop)where you can sniper someone(make sure you have a rocket launcher). Start shooting people soon youre wanted level (stars in top right hand corner) will soon be a three. Then the helicopters will come start knocking down helicopters with the rocket launcher.Every hlicopter you shoot down will earn you about $200.

Get rid of helicopters:
To get rid of helicopters without the rocket launcher, you can snipe the pilot using a sniper rifle.

Easy Martha's Mug Shot:
There is a way to skip that boring part where you have to follow Candy Suxx's limo in that sparrow. What you do is when you see Candy walking to the limo, you shoot the limo driver out of the limo. Once you are in the limo (dont press a thing when you are in the limo) wait until Candy gets in and the limo should drive its self.

Need Health?:
If you need health just go to a save game icon and go into it then select cancle and you will have full health.

Shoot the mooon:
For a better view of the moon, take aim with one of your rifles. Each shot makes the moon grow, go overboard and it will start over with a 'mini-moon'.

Never get tired:
To run forever without doing any missions is to instead of holding X you tap it.

Fastest car:
I believe the Rhino is the fastest car on the game and i will give one reason and you try it out for yourself. Thats if you have not already. If you turn the cannon around while you are driving and shoot over and over again while holding the gas down you will reach very high speeds. Really to do this you would have to be on a somewhat strait long road. I'm sure you can find one of those. If you take the Rhino to the airport and onto the strait away and go off the two jumps that are there you will go farther using the method i just told you then u would in any other car.

Meter Change:
If you see a parking meter hit it with a vehicle and money will fall out.

Beach Ball:
There are balls in the pools on starfish island. Run up to one of these and you will automaticly kick it. Try to bounce it on your head and for every time that you do it will count.

Infinite rounds:
Enter weapons cheat until gun have no numbers and you will have infinite ammo!

Body guards:
When you have finally completed the game(you must have 100% so you can never have used cheats), go to the Vercetti Mansion and go to the room with the bar. Youll see a health power up and armor and three guys sitting in chairs, walk into the pink marker in front of them and they will start to follow you. Use them as you please. Whoever you fight they will also attack.

New shirt:
At 100% completion (can never have used cheats) you'll recieve a new shirt called Frankie. Walk Tommy towards you to see what the shirt says.

Find the Patriot:
If you can't find the Patriot, look inside Phil's place and under the hanger is the patriot.

PCJ 600:
If you need a PCJ 600 closer than the one downtown then go to the docks on the first island. At the very end there will always be a PCJ 600.

8 balls place:
8 Balls is in the same area that you completed the final taxi mission (near the ship docks behind the storage buildings).

Candy Suxx Photos:
Farther up this page is the 'Sexy Candy Suxxx' cheats and this one is one that thet must have missed. Go to the old Ocean View Hotel that you start the game in after you complete the film studio missions and there will be some funny Candy Suxxx photos. Rember "Close Encounters"?

The Caddy (golf-cart) is funnest vehicle in the game:
First, find a Caddy or spawn one, now put in the code for bigger wheels. The wheels of the Caddy will look the same, but it will go faster than any car in the game. If you go back and load your current game again ,the bigger wheels cheat will still be in effect and you can enter the cheat again. Doing this over and over again will make a jet- powered golf-cart thats almost impossible to drive in normal traffic. Go to a unique stunt jump and it does full backflips at 200ft. in mid air! And one more thing, you can do as many rolls as you with the Caddy when it tips over. Just turn the wheels the opposite direction in which your tipped and it will roll on forever untill it blows up, of coarse. Another reason the Caddy is the best car in the game is it will almost always land on its wheels. (eventually)

You must have weapons for this. Go to the airport and go inside the door. You will notice that your weapons stay outside. Go get your favorite or all weapons and waste all your bullets (shoot). Then go back in the airport, go back outside and take your weapons, you will see that all your weapons have twice the ammo.

Get a Sea Sparrow. Fly to The Malibu. While still in your helicopter, go to the hotel south of the Malibu (the one with an armor pickup in front of its sign). Work your way to the valet parking area. Ascend through the roof that is not solid. Navigate your way under the city to where you can explore the ocean. Keep the following in mind: A. If you exit the helicopter while under water, youll die and end up in front of the entrance to the stadium. You'll still have all your weapons though. B. Dont decend too low or you'll fall back into the city. Dont ascend too high or you'll pop back up to the surface like a cork.

At the Vinyl Countdown Shop in the mall. Here's how to do it:
1. Enter the shop walk left and pass three shelves.
2. Jump on the shelf directly in front of the counter at the far left of the shop. You'll notice that your head pops up through the cieling.
3. Jump onto the cieling (this may take a few tries).
4. Once you've jumped up, you'll notice a ledge. Jump onto it, then run until you reach a bend.
5. Jump off. You'll fall a great distance, but you won't lose much health. If you jumped off at the right spot, youll notice youre outside the mall, but the buildings, streets, water, trees, etc. are invisible. You will, however, be able to see the people, vehichles, items, weapons, and hidden packages.

As a result of ther being no buildings or other objects in the way, I found it extremely easy to locate hidden packages. When you want the game to go back to normal just kill yourself or walk into a building to let the game reload.

Here's how to ride the wheelie forever:
1. Pick the right wheels. The PCJ is great for speed and stoppies, but sucks for long wheelies. Teh Sanchez works best.
2. Choose a road find a long straight road with few obstacles
3. Pop a decent wheelie. Let go of the gas while still holding down.
4. Keep the wheelie going. Every so often lightly tap the gas. This will keep the bike up. You can steer, but don't maneuver too much or the bike will lose it and you'll end up on both wheels again.

Moon Face:
When you shoot the moon with the sniper rifle to the largest it can get then look really close and you'll see a face but its wearing sun glasses so its pretty easy to find. 

Fun on the beach:
If you have nothing better to do , why not spend some quality time combing the beaches of Vice City? Take a helicopter to the waterfront, pitch the nose down until the blades just scrap the sand, and watch the action. See how many sunbathers you can get to the gallon. And true to form, the designers anticipated the physics that apply to rapidly rotating blades coming into contact with random people.

Helicopter trick:
Carefully put a helicopter into a pay and spray when it comes out it will have wheels. Then enter the cars on water code and it will float on water.

Push boats:
Use the Cars on Water cheat. Head straight for the back of a larger, fishingboat. If you keep hitting the gas, you stay on the back of the boat-and if you turn the car right or left, it turns the boat in the same direction! This works with most vehicles.

Easy G-Spot mission:
I found a better way to play the g- spot light mission. Do the first few jumps until you jump out of the building. Then go grab a helicopter and drop it into the pink markers.

End Specials:
Finish the game without using Cheats: Doing this will give you the ability of Infinite ammo, 3 Optional Bodyguards (Use them however you want, You can take either 1 at a time or all 2\3 at a time) and a new Outfit called "Frankie" a white shirt with lots of writing on it. And if you notice your Gangsters who walk around your Mansion and other properties will have Uzi's instead of Handguns, this is a major effect when having a show-down with cops. Also there will be the Hunter military chopper on the first island instead of going to the military base to steal one, its located near the North strip club, and near Ammunation.

Teleport Glitch:
I Call it the Teleport glitch because it takes you to one place to the next, all you have to do is go near the Malibu club (Cant be on a Mission) Go right next to the entrance for Malibu Club (Dont go inside) Now, kill a cop near by while still standing next to the Malibu door way, make sure you have atleast the M16. Get 4-5 stars, and survive untill a Cop car parks right next to you, when the car comes shoot it untill it blows up, hopefully you will go flying back and land inside Malibu Club while dead at the same time, next you will end up at the near by hospital, go a couple steps foward and it will say "Loading" after this you'll end up inside Malibu club instead of where you were at the hospital. Some times this is hard to do but keep trying untill you do it.

Evade Glitches:
During Missions there are ways to evade Mission objectives and conditions, for instance the level where you must use your Cycle to jump across buildings, with your Motorcycle you must jump ontop of the Pink bips, any easier way to evade it is just get a Helicopter and fly it down to those pink checkpoint bips. Its easy and faster and it wont require you to do the Mission over and over again.

Take a boat of some kind, or just walk toward the shore where there is water, look around the water and check to see if their are sharks. They dont do anything but its just something to notice.

Look closely in the air and some times there are birds that fly about in the air. They dont do anything either but their hard to notice.

Infinite Ammo:
If you have enough cash you can buy tons of the same Weapon type from Ammunation store, keep doing this untill the Ammo count isnt their anymore, this means you have enddless ammo.

Win all races:
To win all of the street races, use a tank. Fire the cannon in between the four cars when the race starts and finish the race at your own pace. 

Sunken Cartel Boat:
Get in a helicopter and head for the North Point Mall. Land on the roof and start heading directly north, once out to sea, start looking around in the water. Somewhere in this general vicinity, you'll find the sunken cartel boat from gta3 that you blew up with 8ball and a submarine. This works best in the middle of the day when the water is clear.

Fun with bomb:
Get a baggage car from the airport and take it to the bomb shop and get a bomb. Drive to the Malibu and drive through the front door. Park the car and go to the exit. You will be in the Malibu. Now drive the car into the people and detonate the bomb. For extra fun use the slow motion cheat.

Bloody skidmarks:
First turn on the get followed by women Cheat. Get a PCJ and a woman to ride on the back. Now go to the beach and back into the water. When you hear her scream, drive out of the water. You should notice that your skid marks are bloody and it sounds like you are running people over. After a while you should notice that the woman starts flickering. When you are tired of this take the bike and dump it in the ocean. Now she will die again but this time she will not come back. 

Water glitch:
Enable the "Dodo flying" and "Float on water" codes. Go into the water and drive around. Gain speed and fly into the air. Try to flip your vehicle upside down in the water. If done correctly, the car will sink and a clicking sound will start. You and the vehicle will drop out of the sky and land somewhere random in Vice City. Note: You may need to try this a few times with different cars. If it does not work immediately, you will die.

Stand on car:
When you go over a ramp or jump, open your car door in mid-air. You will get out and will be standing on the car while it is floating in mid-air. 

Headless driver:
Find a Ruger or a Sniper. Look for any car, get in front of it, and make it stop. Make sure only one person is inside the car. Shoot the person in the head and run quickly to the driver's side door. Use the rear view (L1 + R1) and move the car slightly. Watch as the headless driver walks to you.

Escobar International Airport: Get weapons inside:
Go through the metal detector at the airport and your weapons will be removed. Keep running at the glass where your weapons are located and you can actually get some of them back while inside the airport.

Lighthouse jump:
Go into the lighthouse on the beach. Climb to the very top staircase. Then, attempt to jump down to the last stairs through the middle. Tommy will jump, do a small Trinity-style move from The Matrix, then go back to the stairs 

Plant glitch:
The hotel that you start in where you can save your game. There is a plant behind the chairs in the corner. If you run behind it you go right outside. But it is all messed up. If you turn to the left and run and jump you will land on a edge turn left again and you can walk right out of there and your game will be fine.

Very easy money:
Get a cop car and go into a garage and start a vigilante mission. Get out of the car and go outside the garage and do the Blow up all cars code. Go back into the garage get into the cop car and then get out and do it again you can do this as many times as you want and you money will increace every time.

Sabre Turbo (Tank):
This will make a Sabre Turbo a fortress on wheels. This will work best if you've purchased the showroom and completed the garage mission (finding all the 16 cars on the lists in the garage behind the showroom). Follow instructions precisely!

Activate big wheel cheat. (R1, X, Triangle, Right, R2, Square, Up, Down, Square)
Save the game.
Load the game from where you saved it.
Activate big wheel cheat.
Load game again from same save slot.
Repeat steps 4 and 5, seven more times.
Get in the Sabre Turbo on the showroom floor or you can spawn one (Right, L2, Down, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, Left)

Important notes:
You will find it harder to steer so I suggest you run on a long stretch of road. The Ammunition in Downtown to the docks in Vice port is the best for chaos. Sports cars with good traction will give some resistance but other than that you will plough through everything (Tank excluded), without your vehicle blowing up! The size of the tires is really up to your imagination however you may find some glitching if you go too big. (I have made wheels as big as houses!)

Fun with Caddy:
Spawn a caddy (Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X), activate floating cars cheat (Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2). Drive the caddy on the water for break-neck speed!

Air trick:
Activate flying cars cheat (Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1). Get the car in the air and turn hard. Then when the drivers side is facing the sky hit the enter/exit vehicle button. If done right, You will have gotten out of your vehicle and landed on the drivers side and the should be suspended in mid air!

Get flash grenades:
All you need to do is go to the vice city police department at washington beach.

Money in the bag:
To become a millionaire (gain a lot of money) just get a rhino tank. If you're playing with cheats spawn one. Or if your not, you will have to steal a tank from the army by getting 6 stars or get 90 hidden packages and pick up a tank at the Fort Baxter Air Base. Start a vigilante mission and all you have to do is bump into the car and hit it with the cannon. Money is in the bag!

150 Armor:
If you get to level twelve in vigilant missions you get 150 armor.

Buy businesses:
These businesses can be bought after you do the first Vercetti Estate Mission.
Kaufman Cabs
Ice cream factory
Film Studios
Print Station
Malibu Club
Pole Position Club
Sunshine Autos

In Kaufman Cabs there are 3 missions then it will start earning 5000$

The Ice Cream factory there is one mission in which you have to do 50 deals with on truck and then it will start to earn a mere 3000$

Film studio has three difficult missions.

Print Station has two missions

Boatyard has one in which you have to race in a boat.

The Malibu has four missions. In the first one you have to sneak in the police station and take someone out. Its better you do Vercetti estates missions first in which you get a police uniform and you can go in safely but not come out safely. Then a Shooting mission. Next a racing mission and finally a bank kick ass mission.

Pole Position Cub has no missions so all you can see there is dances.

Sunshine Autos has 4 in which you have to deliver certain cars. It will slowly generate more and more money up to 9000$. You can also unlock some cool cars always waiting for you in a new color. Sabre Turbo, Deluxo, Sandking and Hotring racer 1.

Easy Insane Double Stunt:
All you do is take a fast car and go to a high edge and take your car in speed and run it over the edge. It should do a few quick flips which would be a double stunt.

Machine Gun:
Once you have destroyed the Haitian Gang Factory in the Cuban mission go in the "broken" factory and inside there will be a small part of roof left. On the other side there are some stairs and there is a heavy machine gun on top.

Invincible Admiral:
In the last Colonel Cortez mission Diaz comes in an invincible Admiral. Once he thanks you for saving his dough and then when he leaves sit in the voodoo. Turn it left and right three times and the Admiral should be outside for you.

Wanna fix a car?:
SIMPLE! The cars shape wont repair but the car will. Just put the health cheat inside the car and it will be new.

Mr. Vercetti Suit:
To get this suit buy the Pole Position Club.

Minigun is the best gun in the game:
The Minigun which is the gun you get from Diaz in the helicopter mission is the best gun. It can kill a guy in one shot. Once you have done Phil's missions you can buy it from him or get 60 hidden packages and pick a Minigun up from the Ocean view hotel and Starfish Island Mansion. Or in the military base there is a tower on the left of the entrance when you enter it on the top of it is a Minigun. Be careful of the military though cause they can kill you in a sec. Once you get to the top and have got the gun, don't take the risk to come down and be killed. Just jump outside of the base by simply jumping off the tower.
(supplied by: Punhal)

11O2 Washington Street $3000

Elswanka Casa $8000
One garage included to park one car

3321 Vice Point $ 2500

Hyman Condo $14000
Three garages in which you may put as many cars inside as you want in each one

Links View apt $6000
One garage included in which you can park one car

Ocean Heights $7000
One garage included in which you can park one car

Skumhole Shack $1000.

More Bullets:
Not much but if you go to an ammunition shop buy what you want and kill the shop owner to pick a gun or something. Note = you cannot rob this shop or the shop owner will attack you with his own gun unlike other shops.

How to make your car jump:
You can make your car jump by putting in the improved car handling code and pushing down the left analog stick.

Refuge from cops:
If you have a lot of stars and you want to have some time for cheats just go to your mini-mansion with the garage and pool in front of it, climb the staircase, and hide in the rooved section. After all the remaining fuzz is eliminated, only a few cops will be firing at you, no one will follow you up the staircase, and the FBI+SQUADs will no longer come.

Get Ambulance in golf club:
How to get an ambulance into the golf club without the guards chasing you:
First go to the golf club and kill a bunch of people by beating them. Then after a while an ambulance will come and you can steal the ambulance and drive around with it.

Invincible Sabre Turbo:
For this get to the mission where you have to race with Hilary in the malibu missions. Let him go and when the race begins let him go but you stay. Get out of your car with a sniper rifle ready and when he comes snipe his head. The door should open. Then you can sit but otherwise the door is locked. This car is always locked.

The Hunter:
Get the hunter a bit earlier on than 100 packages by completing all missions then get a cop uniform and go to fort baxter air base go inside freely and go round to the back and the hunter is there.

Easy Money:
Put in the code where girls follow tommy "ladies man" and then walk around vice city and until you have a crowd of women following you. Go into an alley and make sure they follow. Then take out a Bazooka and shoot so they will all die. You will get at least 40 stacks of money. Note: you must have full armor and health in order for it to work, or else you will die.

Money Code strategy:
First get a police car, drive it in a garage, click start vigilanty. Run out of the garage and allow it to close so when you put in destroy cars the vehical will be safe from destruction and immediatly run back in to the vehical. You have 60 secound to put in this code and get back in. The code to Destroy cars is: R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1. If you continue the process you will recieve over 100,000 a pop, and if you win twelve mission you will be awarded 150 armor for the rest of the game. Remmember you lose armor with damage, it will go down just find more armor to restore back to 150 armor.

Fast money:
If you want money quick, try and steal a tank from the army or if you cheat spawn one. Press R3 to do viligante missions and turn your turret around to go fast and in about 15-30 minutes you should make around 100,127 or more!

Do Vigilante in a Cheetah:
Get a 2 or 3 star wanted level and wait for the cops to start chasing you. As you drive around you will notice that along with the police cruisers, there will be a cheetah that will be trying to ram you. Get out of your car and two guys with uzi's will get out of the cheetah kill them and steal the car. This is an unmarked police car that you can do vigilante any time in!


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