Ghost Recon
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats G
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

God mode

at the tittle screen press L1, r2, r1, L2, select
Submitted by unknown

Get more extra Levels

After you beat the 15 levels don't think you are done ! There are another 8 levels that take place in the desert called "Ghost Recon Desert Siege"

Unlock missions

When the cinema screen appears press a button as soon as the title screen comes up and says start very quickly press this code in

X L2 TRIANGLE R2 SELECT. It Should be a different picture when you come to the start up screen if it worked

All Special Features

When the cinema screen appears press a button as soon as the title screen comes up and says start very quickly press this code in

L1, L2, R1, R2, X, Select

How to be invincible

When the cinema screen appears press a button as soon as the title screen comes up and says start very quickly press this code in

L1, R2, L2, R1, Select

Get Awards and Medals

Purple Heart: Get wounded or killed in action.
Bronze Star: Get 15 kills
Silver Star: Get 20 kills
Distinguished Service Cross: Get 25 kills
Congressional Medal Of Honor: Get 30 kills

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