Getaway, The
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats G
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Free roam mode and other features

Press Triangle , Triangle, Triangle, Left, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle , Left, Circle put the code in before the main menu appear.

Get Infinite ammo+no reloading

To get infinite ammo+no reloading type in up, down, left, right, triangle, up, down, left, right, square.

Find secret vehicles

On birdcage walk south of St James's park.

In free roam mode from where you start do a 180 turn and drive until the end of that road, take a left then a right then a left and a right. you should be faceing wellintons monument on Hyde park corner take the first left and follow it until you see Buckingham palace on your right. cut across the black posts and take a left you should now be on birdcage walk, the tank is on your right hidden behind a fence if you dont se it the first time turn around and go back the same way .

Lotus Espirit:
On Marylebone road to the east of Bakerstreet.

From your start point turn around, drive until the end of the road and go right. follow the road until you get to park crescent turn left and drive until you see Madame tusaudes (big green dome) on your right its a bit further than that, when you see Hsbc bank on the right stop! its in a little alley right next to it.

Unlock Armored car Weapon

During the movie before the main menu appears press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Triangle, Circle

More secret vehicles

On birdcage walk south of St James's park.

In free roam mode from where you start do a 180 turn and drive until the end of that road, take a left then a right then a left and a right. you should be faceing wellintons monument on Hyde park corner take the first left and follow it until you see Buckingham palace on your right. cut across the black posts and take a left you should now be on birdcage walk, the tank is on your right hidden behind a fence if you dont se it the first time turn around and go back the same way .

Lotus Espirit:
On Marylebone road to the east of Bakerstreet.

From your start point turn around, drive until the end of the road and go right. follow the road until you get to park crescent turn left and drive until you see Madame tusaudes (big green dome) on your right its a bit further than that, when you see Hsbc bank on the right stop! its in a little alley right next to it.

Get Double health

Press Up(2), Left(2), Right(2), Circle(2), Down at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

How to regain health

Lean against wall and wait or get in car and drive off.

Hint for autoaim

When in Stealth mode (Back up against a wall or object), hold down R1, R2 & L1 when moving out into a shooting position to auto aim at a target (if any are available). This can also be used if you have a clear sight of a target.

Different weapons:

Pistol: Your basic weapon, two to five bullets will take out most people(depending where you hit them) You can pick up two pistols. Running up closeto someone and whipping them will generly kill them.

Shotgun: Slower than the pistol, but does more damage. These should not beused for big fire fights

AK: A rapid firing machine gun- will clear rooms in seconds.

Switch off movie's

This only works when you have already seen the movie. Press L3+R3 and then you exit the movie and enter a loading screen

Get Roaming And Credit

To get credit you have to finish half of the game and to get roaming you have to complete the game.

Get secret Vehicles

In the getaway there are ten hidden cars they are as followed

1.Tvr Cerbera (Purple)Location on a gravel driveway

2.Nissan Skyline (White)Location on a gravel driveway also in a garage covered by cardboard boxes

3.Lotus Elise (White)Location on a gravel driveway

4.The Catheram the car you start off with in free roam (Purple)Location in a car park with high walls on the left

5.Tank or Armoured Car (Green with firing turret press horn) Location:by Buckingham Palace

6. Lotus Esprit (white & Blue)Location:By HSBC

7.Peugeot 306 (Green with Puple Neons)Location: Down a secret tunnel outside are cardboard boxes smash em out the way go down there will be a burnt out metro and its behind the blue container.

8.Go-Kart (Blue with Red Stripes with 07 on front)Location:in a garage same location as the lotus elise

9.Golf Buggy Go to hyde park in free roam mode. Drive around and you will find an area with just flat grass and there are some bushes behind one of the bushes there is a golf buggy which you can drive.

10.Saab Concept Car (white) Its in that multistory car park where the chinese and the yardies fight its one of dc carter missions. in free roam go to the car park and to the very last floor and the car is there.

Gravel Driveway

Find marble arch then find the gate entrance to it, facing outwards from this turn right and keep going for a while until you see a blue wall! with a grass cresent in the road. look for the open gate in the blue wall drive down and hey presto you have found :
> Nissan Skyline
> TVR Cereba
> Go Kart
> Lotus Elise

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