Finding Nemo |
PlayStation2/Cheats F
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How to race FasterPress A super fast over, and over. Set a timer to 60 seconds. After the 60 seconds are over, press START. Take a short break until you are OK to race again. (Even if you aren't tired, do this anyway.)Keep Doing that until the race is over, and you won. Oh yeah, DO NOT jump on any jellyfish! You might think it is making you faster- but it's not! Finish the race in 1st, and you get to the next part. You have to bounce on jellyfish. One you're done with that, you don't want to hear this- I have to tell you, though. The 3rd and final part of the level is... another race. Do the same thing I told you, and you will defeat Dory, beating the level! Level 6 (Minefield)When you get to this level, Some part in it there are those spiky bombs. If you touch one, you die. The current is pushing you towards the bombs. What ever way the current is going, swim in the opposite direction. Keep doing that, and you should beat THAT PART of the level. (The current changes, so keep your eyes out!Level 7 tips After you run away from Bruce twice, There are a couple broiler rooms. (After you run away from him once, there is only one broiler room.) There is the first room, there are NO pebbles in that room. The second room is different. Right when you enter that room go low towards the ground. You should see the red bowl. Ignore that for now, but remember that now. Explore a little bit more, and you will find the green pebble. Carry it until you find the green bowl. (There should be the red and blue pebbles there also.) Drop the green pebble in the bowl, the pick up the red one. Now go back to the beginning of the room, and remember that red bowl? Well, find that, and drop the red pebble in. Go back to the green bowl, and pick up the blue pebble. The blue bowl isn't until the next broiler room. The blue bowl is at the top of the ceiling, in the next broiler room. Explore to find it. Well, that's it! You should get a starfish for your hard work.Level SnailShellThis level is realllllly hard, but if you have the right timing and everything, you can do it. Also this level is just kinda more luck than timing. But anyways, as a little hint: Once you hit a snailshell and bury it, it stays under for approximately15-17 seconds. So watch your time and bounce as fast as ya can!JellyFish Bouncing hintsIn the jelly fish level when you are racing against Dorey and jumping on each jellyfish, there are jellyfish that make you go fast and then some that mess you up and make you go slow. To prevent the ones from slowing you down, skip every 8th jelly fish. The 8th jelly fish is always the one that is slow. A secret clueWhile on the Mount Wannnahockaloogie level, look for an old brown sign. Dart behind the sign to score an important clue.How to gGet past BruceTo get past Bruce When he is chasing you swim to the top and than look at Dory. When there is an !mark on her swim down do this repeatedly.