Cabela's Dangerous Hunts
Category: PC/Cheats C
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Cheat Codes

Begin the game with launcher.exe -cheats command line option. Press ~ during gameplay to bring up the console window then enter one of the following codes:

Code - Effect
freezeanimals (0 or 1) - Freeze or Unfreeze all animals
givemoney(XXX) - Get XXX Money
makeplayersinvisible (0 or 1) - Make players invisible
noclip (0 or 1) - Toggle Clipping
godmode (0 or 1) - Toggle God Mode
unlockallquests - Unlock all quests
animalcamera (animal #) - View from animals

givetime <0 or 1>
setweather <0 or 1>
blindanimals <0 or 1>
settimemultiplier <0 or 1>

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