Category: PlayStation2/Cheats E
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Cheat mode

Fire and reload the lightgun or controller at a blank portion of the main menu to spell out the code words. The number of times Fire is pressed corresponds to a letter in the alphabet, with 1 being the equivalent of "A" through 26 being the equivalent of "Z". Press Reload to move on to the next letter.

Master code

Enter "MEBIGCHEAT" as a code. Press Fire(13), Reload, Fire(5), Reload, Fire(2), Reload, Fire(9), Reload, Fire(7), Reload, Fire(3), Reload, Fire(8), Reload, Fire(5), Reload, Fire, Reload, Fire(20), Reload at the main menu. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash.

Arcade mode

Enter "BLAM" as a code. Press Fire(2), Reload, Fire(12), Reload, Fire, Reload, Fire(13), Reload at the main menu. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash. The "Arcade Mode" option will now be unlocked in the extras menu. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash. Alternately, successfully complete the game.

Country challenges

Enter "ABROAD" as a code. Press Fire, Reload, Fire(2), Reload, Fire(18), Reload, Fire(15), Reload, Fire, Reload, Fire(4), Reload at the main menu. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash.

Mighty Joe Jupiter mini-games

Enter "MIGHTIER" as a code. Press Fire(13), Reload, Fire(9), Reload, Fire(7), Reload, Fire(8), Reload, Fire(20), Reload, Fire(9), Reload, Fire(5), Reload, Fire(18), Reload at the main menu. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash. Alternately, successfully complete all Mighty levels in cadet training mode to unlock the "Mighty Joe Jupiter Trilogy" option in Mighty Joe Jupiter mode. Complete the easy levels in cadet training mode to unlock Mighty Joe Jupiter Episode 2. Complete the normal levels in cadet training mode to unlock Mighty Joe Jupiter Episode 3.

Jukebox and music test

Enter "LETSBOOGIE" as a code. Press Fire(12), Reload, Fire(5), Reload, Fire(20), Reload, Fire(19), Reload, Fire(15), Reload, Fire(15), Reload, Fire(7), Reload, Fire(9), Reload at the main menu. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash. Alternately, successfully complete all episodes in the Mighty Joe Jupiter Trilogy to unlock the "Music Jukebox" option at the Options screen.

New Weapons

Finish the game using arcade mode with the weapon indicated to get the new weapon when starting a new arcade game

pistol --> machine gun
machine gun --> Cane gun
cane gun --> Shotgun

Get Arcade & Mirror Modes

Finish the game 1 time to get arcade mode and Mirror mode

Get Hyper Arcade Mode

Finish the game 1 time in arcade mode using shotgun to get Hyper Arcade mode

Get Mighty Joe Jupiter Trilogy

Use cadet training mode and finish all Mighty levels. Complete those to get normal mode levels (Joe Jupiter Episode 2) and finish those to get Joe Jupiter Episode 3

Get Music Jukebox

Finish all levels in the Mighty Joe Trilogy

Game Shark Codes

Master Code (Must Be On)0E3C7DF2 1853E59E
EE983936 BCCEDD42
Unlock Arcade ModeCE949BF2 BCA99B84
Unlock Hyper Arc Mode in Arcade ModeDE949A3E BCA99B84
Unlock Arc Mode Machinegun in Arcade ModeDE949AFA BCA99B84
Unlock Arc Mode Cane Gun in Arcade ModeDE949A86 BCA99B84
Unlock Arc Mode Shotgun in Arcade ModeDE949A82 BCA99B84
Unlock Mirror Mode in Arcade ModeDE949A8E BCA99B84
Unlock JukeboxDE949A9E BCA99B84
Infinite Health on Cadet Training0EC9387E BCA99B83
CEC9387E BCA99B86
Unlock Alien Skeet Training LevelCE949772 BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Alien Skeet Training LevelC192871E BCA99B89
Unlock Duck 'N' Cover Training LevelCE94977E BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Duck 'N' Cover Training LevelCE80828E BCA99B89
Unlock Chicken Run Training LevelCE94977A BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Chicken Run Training LevelCE82783E BCA99B89
Unlock Pot Shot Training LevelCE949706 BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Pot Shot Training LevelC197ECCE BCA99B89
Unlock Rapid Fire Training LevelCE949702 BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Rapid Fire Training LevelC19D3C7E BCA99B89
Unlock Chain Reaction Training LevelCE94970E BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Chain Reaction Training LevelC19CB33E BCA99B89
Unlock High Noon Training LevelCE94970A BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on High Noon Training LevelC19A342E BCA99B89
Unlock Save Andromeda Training LevelCE949716 BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Save Andromeda Training LevelC19E6D6E BCA99B89
Unlock Six Shooter Training LevelCE949712 BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Six Shooter Training LevelC191345E BCA99B89
Unlock Who's The Boss Training LevelCE94971E BCA99B86
Infinite Ammo on Who's The Boss Training LevelC19F997E BCA99B89
Unlock Great Britain RaceCE949BE6 BCA99B84
Unlock France RaceCE949BE2 BCA99B84
Unlock Germany RaceCE949BEE BCA99B84
Unlock Italy RaceCE949BEA BCA99B84
Unlock Switzerland RaceCE949BF6 BCA99B84
Unlock Mighty Joe Episode 2CE949A8A BCA99B84
Unlock Mighty Joe Episode 3CE949A96 BCA99B84
Unlock Mighty Joe TrilogyCE949A92 BCA99B84

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