Destroy All Humans!
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats D
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin
God Mode:
Pause gameplay, then hold L2 and press Square, Circle, Left, Left, Circle, Square when you are Crypto.

Unlimited Ammo:
Pause gameplay, then hold L2 and press Left, Circle, R2, Right, R1, Square.

Unlimited Mind:
Pause gameplay, then hold L2 and press R1, R2, Circle, Right, R2, Circle. Your MC meter will not decrease. Your current MC must be above zero for this code to work.

All Upgrades:
Pause gameplay, then hold L2 and press Square, Circle, Left, Left, Circle, Square while on the Mothership. All upgrades for the currently unlocked weapons will be available for purchase from Pox's lab.

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