Chaos Legion
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats C
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Side B

Beat Stage 12 or 13 then play the game again to get to Side B.
Submitted by Nickwong_98<(i>

Play Arcia

Beat the game using Normal Difficulty

Unlock Hard Difficulty Level

Beat the game using Normal Difficulty

Unlock Super Hard Difficulty Level

Beat the game using Hard Difficulty

Unlock "Liv Special PV", "Total Results" and "Extra Menu" options

Beat the game using any Difficulty level

Play Previously Levels

On stage 9 beat the boss and you will get the Map Selector which allows you to go to any completed level

Change Enemies on Previously Levels

Beat the boss on level 10 to unlock Change Appearance which changes enemies on replayed levels

How to destroy the final summon

Slash twice then us the upper cut then summon up the 2nd summon monster it will die!


By finishing the game once, you can select English voice acting and subtitles for cutscenes in the language menu.

Ultimate Legion

Get all the Thanatos Chips on all the stages

Kill Them Easier

When you are Fighting the hollow monsters, instead of summoning your legion, press the triangle button without the legion and you will damage them more, plus your legion wont get killed.

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