Bionicle: The Game |
PlayStation2/Cheats B
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Bashing the BohrokTo do damage to a Bohrok or a Bohrok-Kal, you must get it to unroll. When you're battling a Bohrok or Bohrok-Kal as Toa Tahu (the red one)or Gali Nuva (the blue one), they will randomly unroll to attack you. If you're playing as Toa Kopaka (the silver one), then you must get close enough that the Bohrok is targeted. Then, use your shield This will unroll the Bohrok (attack it quickly and as many times as possible during the 3 seconds that you have before it rolls up again). Unlocking More ExtrasGetting EVERY lightstone as each toa will unlock good things at the main menu (go to Extras). If you fail to get the lightstones the first time, then it's okay, because you can always play that level again whenever you want.Level HelpOn the THIRD level, Gali is Your character.THIRD LEVEL OBJECTIVES: 1 GATHER MATORANS TO OPERATE MACHINERY: 15[Some of them hide, others are trapped, and the rest are in plain site.] 2 EXPLORE AND ACTIVATE 2 SWITCHES TO ACTIVATE 2 DOORS. YOU CAN DO THIS WHILE FINDING MATORAN.[Activate 1 switch and swim through door and repete.]FIGHT WITH RAHI. 3 ACTIVATE MACHINERY [Crane and build rahi]TO CLEAR PATH. 4 FIGHT WITH BOHROK-KAL. [Remember, attack when they are NOT rolled up.] Bionacle of light takua nuvaComplete the game with all 6 toa including toa tahu nuva's quest to unlock the bionicle of light takua nuva.