Big Mutha Truckers
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats B
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Master Cheat

Go to the options screen then put in the code CHEATINGMUTHATRUCKER OR alternately use the code ATJCEHJMJ. All cheats and the Evil Truck will be unlocked. If you choose to have the automatic Sat Nav, it will always take you to where you will get the best price, but you will not be able to race against the other truckers.

$10 million

Enter LOTSAMONEY as a code in the options screen.

Level select

Enter LAZYPLAYER as a code in the options screen.

Evil Truck

Play Trial By Trukin\' 60 day mode, then win the race back to Big Mutha Trucking HQ.

Get fast Truck

Go to the options screen then put in the code GINGERBEER

Get Unlimited Time

Go to the options screen then put in the code PUBLICTRANSPORT

No Damage

Go to the options screen then put in the code 6WL

Get Tiny Bystanders

Go to the options screen then put in the code DAISHI

Auto Sat Nav

Go to the options screen then put in the code USETHEFORCE Go to the options screen then put in the code VICTORS


Go to the options screen then put in the code JINGLEBELLS

New Rig

Win the Race to Big Mutha Truckin in the 60 day version of Trial by Truckin to unlock the new rig

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