Ape Escape 2
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats A
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Contributor: admin

Be Spike

In the Japanese version only highlight a new game and HOLD L1 and press Start

Have a new net

Go to the gadgets screen, highlight the time net and press R1

Play As Spike In English Version

Remember Spike from Ape Escape? You can play him by finishing the game with all 300 monkeys caught and win against Specter, then save your game. When you select New Game hold "O". As Spike you get all gadgets, the monkeys are harder, and there is a new secret gadget...

Also reported as:

After u beat Specter the second time let the credits go on.After the credits a messege will apeer.Now at the title screen highlight "New Game" and press select and L1.The next time u play u will be Spike.


1. Dance Monkey Dance: first beat the ninja hideoutlevel. then go to the gotcha box in the travel station and put in 10 coins and out pops dance monkey dance.
2. Monkey Soccer: first beat the enter the monkey level. then go to the gotcha box in the travel station and put in 10 coins and out pops monkey soccer.
3. Monkey Climb: ok first go to the lost valley level. after u beat it go to the gotcha box in the travel station and put in 10 coins and out pops the minigame Monkey Climb ( this minigame is the hardest one).

Faster Credits

To make credits faster hold down X

Game glitch

Once you've captured Specter once and have got the "Power punch!" gaget blar, blar, blar, in the travel station fire the "Power punch!" at Natsumi, you will find the boxing glove on the end will go straight through the desk. (Tip : Stay still once you transport in from a level).

Beat All Bosses

Blue Monkey-either charge at him with the super hoop or hit him with the stun club or magic punch.

Yellow Monkey-dodge the freak's charge then hit his ass into the spikes.

Pink Monkey-1'st stage jump on the flowers and beat the bomb things jump on the stage and hit her.2'nd stage dodge her attack and whack her then dodge her shockwaves.

White Monkey-dodge robo jimmy's attack hit the button on his back then hit the monkey.

Red Monkey-dodge his spin attack and hit him while he's dizzy then watch out for the dino shockwave supplex.

Giant Yellow Monkey-run when he sucks then whack a tooth.

Ultra Golaith 1'st form-dodge the energy cymbal attack then hit the cheast plate.

Ultra Goliath 2'nd form-dodge the energy blast then take his cheast plate off then hit specter

Specter Final Battle- dodge his attacks whack him off his chair and hit him once more or send the jet at him.


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