All-Star Baseball 2002
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats A
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Bonus Teams

Enter exhibition mode, then repeatedly press L2+R2 until the sound of a dong is heard. The Dingers and Islanders will now be selectable under 90 teams

Get Austin Dingers in Batting Practice

If you want to unlock the Austin Dingers in batting practice then press L2+R2+L1+R1 simultaneously. It wont make any sound and will be right next to the Cooperstown Legends.

Easy Stealing

Whenever you have a man on 1st and 3rd steal 2nd because your opponent always will throw to 3rd! Have Fun Stealing!

Extra Jerseys

In exhibition mode press L1+L2 at the same time to enable alternate jerseys

Mr. Met

If you play at Shea Stadium. In between innings you would see Mr. Met dancing on top of the Mets Dugout

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