Aliens Vs Predator Extinction
Category: PlayStation2/Cheats A
Rating: 0.00 out of 5.00
Contributor: admin

Cheat menu

To unlock Cheat Mode, pause the game and press R1, R1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, L1. Now, a number of Cheats will be available from the Options menu:

Cheat Win
Clear Fog of War
Enable All Levels
Gimme $10,000
Player Invulnerable
Show LZs
Toggle Unit Spying

Extra Help

When you are playing with the aliens drag human and predator bodies right next to the queens body when she is laying eggs so then you dont have to hatch the eggs manually they will hatch by themselves and attach themselves to the prey.

While playing as the predators you can cloak yourself but when you are doing this make sure you use a good attacker or else you will be spotted


Try sneaking up on and attacking a lone enemy with a cloaked Spear Master and see what happens.


Bring several drones along with any hunting parties. You can use them to drop hive nodes as you move along, enabling you to regenerate any units that become wounded by enemy resistance. Moreover, hive nodes see just like other aliens, enabling you to track any enemies that cross your prior path. Finally, if you upgrade your drones, their cystic acid spittle ensures that any hosts you subdue will produce offspring of stronger stock than normal.

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