Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War |
PlayStation2/Cheats A
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Medals Play Campaign Mode or Free Mission Mode to unlock these medals. Destroy 5 enemy planes with the machine gun: Bronze Shooter Medal Get 'S' Ranks on every mission on Normal: Bronze Wing Medal When aiding allies in Missions 16A or 16B don’t let more than 3 die: Desert Eagle Medal Destroy 200 enemy targets: Bronze Ace Medal Destroy 500 enemy targets: Silver Ace Medal Destroy 1000 enemy targets: Gold Ace Medal Down 50 enemy planes with the machine gun: Gold Shooter Medal Earn 'S' Ranks on all 32 missions on expert: Gold Wing Medal Kill all 16 named planes in second play-through on Normal or harder: Grand Falcon Medal Down 10 enemies who get a missile lock on your wingman: Guardian Medal Protect all 8 armored tanks on ground: Lightning Hammer Medal Get Perfect from AWACS in all 6 landings and 2 refueling stages: Needle's Eye Medal Down 15 enemy planes with machine gun fire from your aircraft: Silver Shooter Medal Earn 'S' Ranks on all 32 missions on Hard: Silver Wing MedalUnlock FalkinDestroy the hangers on mission 11a 11b 12a 12b 16a 16b and 27.