AFL Live 2004 |
PlayStation2/Cheats A
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State Of OriginAt start menu press square, square, square, triangle, triangle, triangle and then Circle, Circle, Circle Up Up Up Down Left Left then a sound will make Stick men***Enter a two player game and enter the following while the game is in playplayer 1 presses R1, L1, and forward on the left analog stick while player 2 taps select. Get gorilla ModeFor Gorilla Mode you must enter a two player game and do the following while the game is in play.... *ALL BUTTONS MUST BE PRESSED AT THE SAME TIME* the first playe holds down L1,R1, forward on the left anologue stick and O.while the first player is doing this the second player....taps select continuously. GET CHUBBS MODE...during a 2 player game, while play is in progress do the following to get chubby players..player 1 presses L1, R1, FORWARD ON THE LEFT ANOLOGUE STICK & SQUARE, while player 2 presses select repetitively. BIG & SMALL PLAYERSduring a 2 player game, while play is in progress do the following to get big & small players..*PRESS ALL BUTTONS AT THE SAME TIME* player 1 presses L1, R1, FORWARD ON THE LEFT ANOLOGUE STICK & X, while player 2 presses select repetitively.