Wario World
Category: Gamecube/Cheats W
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Unlock Selected 1: Dodge Balls

At Greenhorn Ruins get all 8 treasures

Unlock Selected 2: UFO Assist

At Wonky Circus get all 8 treasures

Unlock Selected 3: Jumpin Rope

At Beanstalk Way get all 8 treasures

Unlock Selected 4: Munch A Bunch

At Pecan Sands get all 8 treasures

Unlock Trial Version 1: Wario Whirled

At Greenhorn Forrest get all 8 treasures

Unlock Trial Version 2: Heads Up

At Horror Manor get all 8 treasures

Unlock Trial Version 3: Gold Digger

At Shivering Mountains get all 8 treasures

Unlock Trial Version 4: Lickety Split

At Mirror Mansion get all 8 treasures

How to beat the first boss.

Once you beat the first two levels go to the boss stage were you will be fighting a huge dinosaur. At each end there is a pillar. take it and swing it around and go by him. Then he will get his toe stubbed and will be bouncing on one foot. He will hop right into the lava and it will take away some of his health. Keep on repeating that until when there are the little birdies going around his head. Now you can pick him up. Do any move and let him go and he will be Ko.

How to defeat the 2nd boss

Ok to deafeat the 2nd boss (Dual dragons) do these things:
1 punch 1 of the dragon heads alot.
2 make sure the other 1 blows fire at the other head (while knocked out.)
3 LOOK OUT FOR GLUE GLOBS (or else a dragon head will suck em up with ya and spit ya out)
do this 4 more times to beat the dude

Beat 3rd boss 4th boss and the black jewel

To beat red brief j or whatever his name is you wait until he charges at you dodge him and then he'll be standing right on the edge of the platform ground pound to knock him off the next time he charges he'll charge twice then three times etc soon he'll be dead

Defeat Cpt. Skull (5th boss)

To defeat Captain Skull, you must take advantage of the blue thingies on the ship. They act like a giant spring if you jump on them. Anyway, get close to captain Skull (it shouldn't be hard the first time) and punch him unconscious. To hurt him, I used the Piledriver. After you do this 3 times, punches won't hurt him. You have to grab one of the barrels on the ends of the ship and throw it at him. Don't worry, the springs still work when you have a barrel. If you connect with a barrel, he is out cold. Do a piledriver. Repeat this once more and you have beaten, arguably, the hardest boss in the game!!!

How to defeat Mean Emcee in Mirror Manshion

First you have to punch him until he gets into one of the cups. Be careful! If you get to close to him, he'll swing his cane around and try to hit you. When he cowardly runs into one of the cups, he'll play a little guessing game with you. Keep your eye on the cup he's in. Once the cups stop moving, punch the cup he's in. It will go up into the air and there won't be anything under the cup. Punch it again and Mean Emcee will fall out. Pick him up and either do the pildriver or the wild swing-ding to give him damage. Repeat this until you defeat him. Oh yeah, when he stupidly does his spin attack, just dodge it.

How to beat Dinomighty

To beat Dinomighty, jump on the glue globe on the tail and wait for Dinomighty to lift her tail above her head. Once you're up there, you have about a second to ground pound her head, once she falls down grab some coins and then pick her up. Push A and then R while in the air to slam Dinomighty into the ground.Do this 5 times to win!!!

NOTE:It becomes harder to grab onto the back of the tail for every hit

Earn The Best Catsle

Find all 40 Spritelings before beating the final boss to get the best catsle .

Battle ring weapon

If you land or go into a battle ring, you can see that there are two statues at each end of the ring. You can pick them up and use the wild swing-ding to destroy the enemies.

How To Beat Red Brief J

In short, this is how to beat the cow in red underpants. First of all, none of your attacks work against this guy, SO DON'T TRY. Ok, to beat him, all u have to do is every time he does that charge move at u, dodge it like u normally would until he starts to wobble dangerously close to the edge. When he does this, do the ground pound in the middle spot which will send him into the lava, and of course hurting him. After each time u do it, he will either do a new move or charge at u more times before he starts to wobble at the edge. And after five times of sending him in into the lava, then that's the end of Red Brief J. If u want to learn how to dodge his moves read on.

The Mad Cow Charge (when he tries to plow into u)- Run around, jump, i dunno, just don't get hit.
Spinning Beef (When he spins around trying to kick u)- Run away, jump away, i don't care
The Cow That Jumped Over The-- ok that's just stupid. (When he jumps up and slams into the center, sending lava through the holes of the arena)- stay in the middle, just stay there until the move is over.

How To Beat The Two Headed Dragon

To beat this boss, what u have to do is this.First of all, whatever u do don't touch the spiky balls at the end of the tails, it is not a glue ball (the ball things u can stick to) My friend told me to do it when i was fighting it and well, Wario won't like it. Anyway, when the thing isn't breathing fire or sucking in the glue balls it's buddy spat out (Yuck) attack one of the heads, which, i don't care, with the Corkscrew Conk [R+A] or the charge move, (but im not 100% sure if the charge move works) until the head is unconscious, and then when its friend breathes fire, it won't be ready to duck, and well, just make a guess at what'll happen. Repeat this process 5 times and that dragon is gone.

NOTE- be careful after each time u hit it because it'll spit more glue balls each time which might either send u into the water (which will hurt u) or suck u in and spit u out. (which will also hurt u)

Infinity Big Coins

Go to the First Boss (The Dragon) and you will see she has one of those balls that you can grab on to on her tail, jump on to it and when he raises you above her head do the A+R move and it will knock alot of coins out of her the use the Z or L move to suck up all the coins. You can do this over and over and it doesn't hurt her.

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